Ivan from Exscudo - glad to be here guys!

Hello everybody! My name is Ivan, a community manager with Exscudo.
I am relatively new to stock trading. I have spent the last couple of months most of my time to learning the markets and building my investment strategy. Looking forward to becoming a part of this community and learning from the best!

this is mostly ‘forex’ trading material, not stocks

Hey, buddy

Nice to hear you’re into stocks. You won’t find as many friends into that as you’d find trading forex. But the few you’ll find will very likely be higher valued per capita if you know what I mean haha :slight_smile:.

Hold on while I get the king of stocks in here for ya. :wink:

Hey @dpaterso! You home?


You called??? LOL!!!

Yeh I did :joy:

Thought you’d feel better responding to this one post than a few others that’s popped up today lol.

“Sorry, No Stock Traders Allowed”

A few years back I joined an online trading community made up of people who traded all instruments including stocks, forex, futures etc. I wanted to join this guy’s private group, but at the top of his welcome post he had the words:

“Absolutely No FOREX Traders”

So I messaged him asking if it was okay if I traded Crude Oil. He said yes. Than I messaged him asking if it was okay if I traded the E-mini (ES), and he said yes. Then I messaged him and asked if it was okay if I traded metals, he said yes. Then I messaged him again and asked him if it was okay if I traded the DAX, He again said yes. Then I messaged him again asked if it was okay if I traded sugar. …By this time he was so annoyed with me that he politely told me to “F-Off.”

Gee, I’m so glad the nice folks at Baby Pips allow even those lowly people who trade stocks. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that us FOREX traders don’t discriminate.

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Yes bro, you are probably at the wrong place really, we are talking here about forex, stocks and commodities as well a bit. But not much, also a bit about crypto and such, what do you need to say about that ? Sounds good ? Do let me know.

Depends where you look… LOL!!!

What can I say. You’re a great bunch!!! LOL!!!

Great bunch a what? :joy: