JÄWÄ's 'Experimental' Price Indecision System

Drawing arrow is now inserted. But be aware, this is a first version of this oppurtunity. The arrow will only be on screen until next bar closes. It wont stay there forever. I hope to fix this in the next version, so you can look back where you got your signals. (see post #70, page 7)

@jawa: does the pin bar need to have a minimum body size? because I got a signal from Jonkie76 indicator and the candle was a doji…
here the candle that gave the signal

@Jonkie76: excellent update!! all is needed is the morning star and its pretty much perfect!

@smacko: there is no minimum body size :slight_smile:

Is 0:00 hour 4hr candle buy for GBP/JPY?

Do you wait until next 4 hour candle is pretty much done to start filtering? Or do you do that with the next 1hour candle?

@pipcompounder: I normally only look at my computer every 4 hours so that i dont get stressed out over retracements and negative movement and such, so about 5 minutes before the candles close i get on my computer and look at all of my charts and identify the forming signals whether they be pin bars, inside bars, or stars, then about two minutes before the candles close i begin filtering out my in bar trades, so the second the candle closes i place all my orders then go around placing stops and tp’s :slight_smile:

here are GBP/JPY’s trades this week so far :slight_smile:

Close positions: +80 pips

Open Positions: +60ish pips

EDIT: to explain my pip values, because it makes no sense to value my pips to dollars especially because i have half take profits all i do is half the pips on my half take profits, so if i cash out half my position at 40 pips i count it as 20 pips of a full position :slight_smile:

My chart showed GBP/JPY should be a buy on that 0:00 pin, could you show your 1 hour for comparison?

My chart is off kilter, it shows the 4 th hour candle on 1HR TF still going, but on 4hour it has 4:00 candle already started???

@pipcompounder: :O!! that is really weird, here is my 4 one hour candles for yesterdays 0:00

do you mean todays 0:00 candle? as in the one that is still going? because that one will close in 1 hour and 8 minutes :3

Yeah…my 1 hour chart shows it as 4:00 just started…
The pin I was asking about is your 20:00 pin.

@pipcompounder: well on the server time my account runs on it closes the candles to make my signal a sell :slight_smile: it looks like we just have different server times, you’ll get signals i dont, ill get signals you dont and vice versa, if you could post a picture of your chart we could find out for sure :slight_smile:

Hmm… a red DOWN arrow on top of the signal… hmm I thought I programmed a green Up on high of the signal bar if BUY, and a red DOWN arrow on the low of the signal bar if SELL.

Dear SithJawa,
I salute you for being so selfless, patient and humble.
Your strategy is very simple, yet beautiful. I have read this complete thread today and I am going to start trying out this method. I will feedback on this and promise not to ask the same questions (if any) which have been previously asked & answered.

@Jonkie 76, Jonah - hats off to both of you too for preparing an EA and an indicator. It will be immensely helpful. Tks.

I am a strong believer of EA and do not trust myself to be disciplined enough.
Hence, I am learning mql4 by myself too (have learnt C++ before; hence feel that this can be mastered). Just started learning a few weeks ago. Started learning fx 3 months ago, finished the Babypips school and am a regular follower now.


Hello SithJawa,
I am trying to learn how to trade this system because I think it’s rather simple and yet awesome.

I was just looking at the GBP/JPY example chart that you posted on page 29 and dont really understand all the circles.

Numbering the circles from left to right I got 1 and 2 as pin bars. 1 gave a buy signal on my chart while 2 was a sell signal.
I only know circle 3 as a spinning top and dont know the reason for 4. I could only think about a star formation with 3,4 and the candle before 3, but the first candle is against the trend.
Circle 5 again just looks like a spinning top to me and from this thread I dont know if and how we would trade this.

The inside bar you are talking is not circled i think but would be the third bar before circle 5, right? I am still having problems determining the direction for trading inside bars. In the example I would say that the long term trend is bearish, but during the whole week before the inside bar the market was just ranging. Do we just look at the high around 22 May and take that as our sell signal for the inside bar?

Maybe you or someone else who understands the system better already could take the time to answer my questions.

Ill have to add another question regarding Pin bars here.
If I understand the way a candle works correctly I dont understand why we have to look at the 1h chart to determine the direction we enter.
When we look at the closing price of the first and the last bar on the 1h frame we are just looking at the difference between the open and close price that we can see on the 4h chart anyway. If we have a pin bar with a bearish body we know that the first candle closed higher than the fourth and vice versa for bullish pin bars.
Please correct me if Im wrong.

Thank you for sharing the system!

Best regards

I just noticed something that I think some people should be aware of. When you are precisely measuring candles, it pays to check multiple brokers. I started trying FXCM demo this week and, in the picture above, almost all of those trades would have been losers. The last two circled pinbars didn’t meet the criteria for being a pinbar (wick at least 50%), which would have made the first two buys losers because the TP would have not have been changed. I was going to post something to that effect, but I decided to check my Oanda charts first and realized that they were valid pinbars there. Although, like I believe someone earlier said, the candle closes on the last pinbar show a buy signal on both charts.

Edit: To specify, it’s the same candle close times, just minor variations in price.

Sorry if it’s been asked before but when we have successive signals and move the TP and SL and we have a trade where we have already taken half profits do we take profit on the remaining half at the new signals ‘safe’ 40 pip zone or the further 70 pip zone?

@jawa: started demo trading on monday, so far i’ve closed 95pips (whole) pips in profit. 4 trades, 1 winner, 1 loser, 2 half profit (then sl @ be). I’ve only been trading pin bars. I’m a slow learner, wanted to make sure i fully understood the pin bar signal before moving on. Next is inside bar.

with your post on the first page about 3 signals in a row. can you confirm my understanding is correct.

1st 4hr candle = buy
2nd 4hr candle = sell (passed filter, cancel buy trade and enter sell)
3rd 4hr candle = buy (failed filter, no action required)

@crisscross1983: aha its okay, feel free to ask anything :smiley: I dont mind answering questions, as i’ve said somewhere else on this thread it just helps me get to know this system better too :slight_smile:

@niX1990: with this system we more or less categorize many price action patterns into one indecision candle (doji’s, pin bars, hanging man, spinning tops etc.), what we look for is a long wick and a small body (the specifics are on post #1), this signals indecision in the market

The inside bar is the thick red line :slight_smile: that is the sell stop order which is only hit when it is crossed, you are correct that i dont think i defined that clearly on the first post so i edited it in from somewhere else in this thread

You are understanding pin bars correctly however there is some confusion, if we were to trade the open to close of the 4 one hour candles then we would in fact just be trading the direction of the 4 hour pin bar and there would be no need to go to the 1 hour chart, however because we find direction from looking at the first close of the 1 hour candles to the last close we basicly we need to go to the one hour because the 4 hour chart doesnt have that data

@philosophunculist: that is very odd :open_mouth: I did not know variations in price could be that extreme

@slipp3rywhippit: on each individual trade regardless of where the full stop loss has been moved you take profit at 40 pips away from its entry

@smacko: awesome! that is an awesome idea to get to learn this system because there are a lot of different entries, mastering one at a time is sure to help you master it :slight_smile:

And that is correct about the filtering

@everyone: i am going to try to format this thread today to put all the information needed on the first post or atleast accessible from there, that way newer people dont have to sift through everything and get confused :l

This week’s GBP/JPY trades :slight_smile: and since all 4 charts i trade are mostly confluent, progress is near identical on all charts, an average week so far AND its only wednesday afternoon :slight_smile:

EDIT: For those of you newer to the thread i would note how accurate it is in determining where the price will go, as well as this you should note how there has not been a single loss this week (the first three buy trades hit half take profits and were stopped out at breakeven), and most losses with this system aren’t full stops rather they are reversals in position due to opposing signals, There will be weeks with no losses, there will be weeks with many losses, however i have yet to have a losing week with this system :slight_smile: in fact my worst week so far was last week and i made over 800 pips total on my 4 charts, the best week i’ve ever had was around 2,700 pips

Jawa, the last pinbar, can you give me the close, open, low and high of that bar.
The indicator calculated 30,567 % and therefor did not see it as a pinbar.
Mechanical = Mechanical, so we dont take it according to the 30% rule.

Please show me a screenhsot of the values, by hovering over with the mouse…

Could you also privide me with the close value of the three BUY pinbars on top of the chart?
And please show me the high value of that green bar a little further which should have take those 40 pips half profit.

Tx dude, this way I can compare values with my own chart.

Thank you very much for the quick reply SithJawa.
Now I see my mistake with the Pin bar and in hindsight it was a rather stupid mistake :smiley: Thanks for clearing things up.

Its awesome that you take the time to share your system and answer all our questions. I really appreciate that.

@jonkie76: what broker are you using? as philosophunculist said apparently there is some slight but significant difference in price between brokers

Here is the info for the last pin bar, i’ll upload the rest in a minute

EDIT: AHHHH. I see the mistake i made, i recalculated it and you are in fact correct :[ my bad, im away from my computer half the time when i make these trades so i use visual as well as rough calculation using my mobiles crosshair, sorry about that :\ although these are the actual trades i have made i see i was slightly off with my entries

DOUBLE EDIT: im on my phone now, i didnt have time to get pictures of the other candles data but it would seem the last buy signal was in fact over 30% body length meaning it wasnt valid, meaning if i wouldve been a tad more accurate with my trades the two previous buy trades wouldve been reversed at the inside bar open at around -22ish pips total, i still would be atleast +100 pips up currently but i just feel dumb :\

TRIPLE EDIT: I am not looking to redefine pin bars because of this but i have been looking in to being more accurate with what is a high enough probability indecision candle, will post results when they are found

@niX1990: anytime :smiley: