Je kdo na tem forumu iz Slovenije


Je kdo na tem forumu iz Slovenije.

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Opazil se tvoje vprašanje. Na tem forumu sem nov. Me zanima, če si še aktiven. Iščem tudi sogovornike za izmenjavo mnenj.


I am just too tired to even use google translate to figure out the initial post…assume it’s something along the lines of “I am new”. If so, welcome to babypips, it has all the resources you need to learn about market!

Zdravo, sem nov na forumu in bi s kom kotaktiral glede trgovanja…izmenjava informacij itd…

tudi jst sem iz Slo :slight_smile: navsezadnje nas je v roku 24 ur tle kar nekaj domačih “lepo” :). Zdi se mi, da je Forex bolj zanimiv če imaš družbo zato sem predkratkim ustvaril domačo grupo Forexslovenija na facebooku, da se malo izmenjavajo izkušnje, mnenja tako, da vabljeni.


Tole je sicer že malo starejši post. Mi niti na misel ni prišlo, da bi lahko tukaj pisala v slovenščini, a vidim da se tudi da. :slight_smile: Dobrodošli, smo tudi Slovenci tukaj.

Fxmall this is slovenian language. The initial post is just saying: “Is there anyone from Slovenia.” :slight_smile:
On web is world so small.

drzite se engleskom, zar je bitno ko je iz koje krcmare iz slovenije?

keep it english, why does it matter who is from what cow-village from slovenia?

its always the same, no matter where i come to, i see people from balkan buddyng up in their native “brotherhood” looking for people from their country to be friends with. why dont you try beeing bit international?

:slight_smile: We are “international”. When I first came here, I was just surprised that the first post was in this language.

I don’t know why is this, really … You should ask Saturn for the answer. :slight_smile:

Ah well, in FFF we dutch have a dutch thread. There must be room for that… :slight_smile:

Been in Slovenia for work. Liked it a lot.

Welcome Saturn and EmmiR!

I haven’t seen a lot of cows in Slovenia. TurboNero probably went somewhere else than me. :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: Toekan, thanks! I see that you are Superior Master Contributor - can I ask you something? I am doing a research between individual investors in fx for my degree (it posted on the first site of this forum) and I am losing my nerves. It’s very hard to get (any)response. I know that people hate surveys … Just this is the only option that I collect some data. I am stuck with only 10 responses and really don’t know what to do.
Do you have any idea? Thanks for any contribution.
Warm greetings to the north :slight_smile: