Hi Everyone
Hope you’re all having a great weekend
I just had a look at my first chart on Ooanda - terrifying - but I’ll get used to it - babysteps!!!
Anyway, my question for today is - in doing my ‘homework’ here on b/pips and reading other stuff on forex elsewhere (google and amazon), this chap Jeff Wilde’s name came up. Apparently he doesn’t use regular indicators/chart stuff etc - I think from what I’ve read, he has a ‘system’ that makes life simple for forex traders.
No - don’t all start yelling at me - I’m ‘not’ buying anything… And I’m not looking to buy (so please don’t try to sell me anything :))
My question is - how can he trade (so simply) and without using regular technical analysis? I think he uses Price Action but beyond that, I’m not sure. I’m just curious - how can you trade without tech analysis - or is this what Price Action is.
I’m particularly interested in the Price Action at this stage and I like Chris Capre on this forum - even though I obviously still don’t understand everything he posts - at least he seems legit.
Is it the case that some people trade purely Price Action (more logical and straight forward?) and then other people trade tech analysis - I hope I’ve worded this better since editing it!
I hope I made sense here - like all the other newbies, I’m still being exposed to all the different types of analysis and I’m trying to wrap my head round it all