
Hi hi,

I am Jens, moved from Belgium to London and working full time. Besides that I started trading about 2 months ago. I’m extremely driven and try to read and learn as much as I can. My first goal is to be able to trade break-even and hopefully start making profit after. I do feel like I’m a long way off though, definately when working full time and can’t follow up my positions / place new positions during the day.
I just finished the school of pipsology. very interesting and described in a fun way.

Could always use advise.

I wish you all the best with your trading!!


Greetings Jens and congrats on finishing the School of Pipsology! That’s a great milestone, but only the first of many in this long journey we call forex trading. Check out our blogs for daily thoughts and good trading practices, and hopefully they’ll be helpful to you when developing your own strategy. Good luck bud!

Hi Pipcrawler, definately will check those out. good luck to you too!