Just Graduated, Need advice with my current Trajectory? :)

I graduated BabyPips last week, I’m so grateful for this site and the community, Truly the best! :sunglasses: :heart:

I currently have a plan but I’m not entirely sure if I’m on the right path if someone could be so kind to let me know if I’m correct in what I’m thinking, If I need to add something or drop something from my current plan ect ect.

I would be most grateful, I’m in love with trading and I’ve got to admit I’m a bit clueless of my next steps and I will admit I’m still a noob however I fully understand all of what I’ve learnt from BabyPips.

So here is what my current plan is:

BabyPips > TJR Trades Bootcamp on YT > ICT Mentorship on YT

I will also be reading 2 books in between the bootcamp and mentorship which are ‘Trading in the Zone’ & 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad’

I don’t get much time to paper trade as I work 8:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri in the UK.

I try look at charts and read forums during work time when it’s quiet but I’m thinking I need to get a work from home job so I can at least demo trade during work hours which are the hours the UK & US markets overlap.


Different things suit different people, so there’s no objective “correct”.

I agree with only the first.

I think the second and third are more likely to do harm than good.

I think they’re both really awful (minority view, I know!).

Also much more likely to do harm than good.

You’d be far better off with the book recommendations listed here.

Exactly as the Flamingo said in the above post, which you have read and thanked: -

Just my opinion, good luck anyway.


Congratulations on graduating! :blush: Hmmm. :thinking: I think trying to gain more knowledge is a good idea, but what do you think of trying to find a strategy that you could use with your current lifestyle and schedule? :smiley: You might want to add that to your current plan. :blush: Or are you planning to use the strategy from these YT videos? :smiley:


Thank you for getting back to me and letting me know this, I have put them books that @flamingoproxy recommended and shall be getting them also.

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Thank you! :sunglasses:

Yes, All I’m doing by reading these books and watching these videos is gaining knowledge and different perspectives of trading as well and possibly trading techniques/strategies.

At the moment I’m looking to practice swing trading on demo and fitting it around my work hours.

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Can you go into some of the reasons why you think these books are awful? I want to learn a different way of thinking about these books. I haven’t read Trading in the Zone, but I did read Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

Thanks for the link to the recommended books from @flamingoproxy


It’s all personal opinion.

Mark Douglas, by his own admission, couldn’t trade successfully.

He convinced thousands of people who didn’t have an edge over the markets that what they had were psychological problems.

No amount of attention to “psychology” can help a trader who doesn’t have an edge.

But it can make them waste a huge amount of time instead of getting educated.

Just my opinion.


I agree with your opinion. That’s a great article. Kiyosaki and Douglas are similar in being great marketers and salesmen preying on people’s hopes and fears. It’s appealing to believe that working on psychology is more important than having an edge. It takes more work to get educated and find an edge. Thanks.


exactly right, IMO :sunglasses:


Beginning to or demoing when you have a full time job is hard. But that’s the name of the game my man :grin:

If it was easy everyone would do it.

Honestly, regardless of what you choose to do, consistency my friend. If you lax up and lose discipline you regress. Not to say don’t take breaks. Just stay consistent.

Good luck!


What’s your current job?

PS: Congrats on graduating from the pipsology school! How long did it take you to finish it? :slight_smile:


Hmmmm. True. Studying psychology can show you the door, but you have to be willing to walk thru. If you learn what your problem is and fail to do anything about it, then what’s the point?

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I currently work in Finance doing Credit Control :slight_smile:

I started at the beginning of November and finished at the beginning of December so I’d say 1 month but I was only learning during my work time of 9-5 haha

Sounds like it pays pretty well!

LOL. Sounds like it’s also pretty easygoing over there :laughing: Are you also on the forums during your work time :joy:

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Well after UK Tax is it not pretty well :laughing:

Yeah I get all my work done quick so there is nothing to do apart from look busy so yes I only access babypips during work time lol

Are you a profitable trader?

Thank you for your wisdom mate! I’ll keep chipping away but I’ll make sure that I stay chipping and not giving up!

Stupid government stealing our monies lol.

Of course… not! HAHA. I trade a small account and haven’t done a whole lot of it recently. How about you?

Well, technically I am. If you count that I ended up making $5. Better than blowing my account I guess.

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Congrats on finishing the School of Pipsology and that’s an impressive multi tasking at work! Keep it up and good luck on your trading journey.

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