Just starting to learn

My name is Brian and I have just started to look into trading as an alternative to getting a part-time job in retirement, which is overdue. I have promised myself, not to trade live until I understand completely , how it works. Currently, I expect to spend around six months on this site and anywhere else I can gain knowledge or experience, before trading with real money. Any advise or shared experiences along the way would be really appreciated.

Personally, i believe that in forex it is the amount of time you put into learning how it works that determines if you will make a headway or not. 6 months might not even be enough to learn how it works if you don’t dedicate at least 4-6 hours on a daily basis to learning. On the other hand 6 months might even be too much to learn the basics if you have all the time in the world. It took me three weeks to go through the school of pipsology and another three months to demo trade and have a feel of price action. I went live two months ago and i had 5% drawdown in the first month but as of today i have recovered from my drawdown (breakeven). The most important thing is that I’m gaining experience and that’s all i need for now, i believe by the end of this year i would have enough experience to call myself a pro…Brian! you are welcome.

Thanks for that. It is my intention to follow exactly what you are suggesting. 4-6 hours a day, together with Demo trading. I really appreciate your post. Thanks again.

If you looking to speed up the process just get forex tester 2. I love it! It allows you to back test using a discretion strategy

nice intro , check the forum

Stop making promises, one never acomplishes, there is a lot easy to say around. Trust me, in two or less weeks you will be tempted to start trading like you already know everything.