Kyrkar’s Journal

Take profit was hit!

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Nice going.

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Closing for today!


$300 in 8 days is great. At this rate, you may reach $1000 profit by the end of the month

First trade today!

Lost $45
Stop was hit! No worries

Second trade today!

Stop loss finally hit!

Signed up for High stakes 2 step program with 5ers for the 5k account. Will get started soon!

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Are you keeping additional details about your trades for journaling purposes?

Such as? I am open to adding more of information

First trade of the high stakes program of $5,000.

Let’s see how it goes!

Raised sl

Raised sl again

Locking in some profits

Adjusted sl again

Wrapping up for today!

First trade of the day!

Adjusted sl

Stop loss hit

Hi Kyrkar, do you have a full time job?
You are using m5 chart to monitor your trade, how much staring time you will spend a day?

I’m interested in your strategy, can you give more context on how you enter or sell?
Do you use the strategy suggested by the book written by Alex, any changes to your strategy?