Lara💜 I’m a newbieee to forex

Hey everyone I’m Lara I’m very new to forex been doing research the past couples days and happy to be apart of the community. My cousin mentioned forex to me and we have been gradually taking baby steps to get the swing of how forex really works. He’s managed to get successful enough to not work im actually still working but getting my education on to what is the exactly is forex??? I’ve been YouTube’n the past week


That is not the norm. Be very careful as most (over 80%) newbies blow their FX accounts by risking too much per trade, and by following social media marketing hype.

Yes be cautious ,the plan is to be consistently profitable over a substantial period and different market conditions, the markets are very volatile due to the European conflict , pandemic s ect .So aswell as losing much ,winning high gains can be more common too

Hi there! What would you like to know?

Whuuut. How long has he been trading?

I could live just off my trading… but i’d prob starve after a few weeks!!!

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haha so that means you can only live off of trading for a few weeks! That’s still better than me. I can live off of my trading for half a day :joy:

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