Learn Slowly Newbie Trading

If you new to trading you don’t have to spend lots of money on expensive courses there are enough traders around and on this site that are willing to help and do actually trade them self .Im happy to help anyone .
Never start with more than £100 account and see this like paying for driving lessons as you will probably burn your first account but will learn a lot.
Courses are based on weekends so the markets are shut and nothing has to get proved.Get to now a good broker

Trading is a very hard and challenging life experience and super high levels of discipline

Exactly trading requires proper discipline and experience which can be obtain after acquiring proper knowledge about Forex trading that will help trader to improve their trading skill.

Learning forex trade and acquiring experience should be a gradual process so that you can properly assimilate and understand it very properly. Forex is very risky it not something you have to hurriedly jump into.

Do (m)any UK dealers offer odd lot sizes? Nanolots? Etc.?


Hi Andrew

Many brokers offer small amounts and micro lots

Most spread betting sites eg finspreads can trade 10p per pip but be aware that these smaller stake brokerages and do offer higher spreads so if your scalping etc be aware that you really need to be aware of the spread as it will eat into your profit

I do agree that courses are a waste of time and money. You learn by losing money and yes you can compare that to paying for driving lessons, but if £100 is the cost for one lesson than I would be prepared to cough up quite a but more than that. Learning in mini-accounts is a very good start in my opinion and those who can’t afford to pay for the ‘lessons’ should not be trading at all. You just won’t learn how to trade in a demo account.

Paid courses are waste of money, you can find almost all kind of stuff free of charge on internet, all you need to is to give it time and search for exact material you are interested in.

[QUOTE=“TheLastBear;693390”]I do agree that courses are a waste of time and money. You learn by losing money and yes you can compare that to paying for driving lessons, but if £100 is the cost for one lesson than I would be prepared to cough up quite a but more than that. Learning in mini-accounts is a very good start in my opinion and those who can’t afford to pay for the ‘lessons’ should not be trading at all. You just won’t learn how to trade in a demo account.[/QUOTE]

Yes you are right you can learn a lot from a mini account and you should never trade with money you can’t afford to lose

There are some good courses but there are more bad courses because it is possible to learn from many sources without paying any dollars. Usually, course will save your time to find out right strategy because you will be trained with working system so you only need to understand how it works and how to implement the strategy in the right time. The most important is not learning from paying or non paying courses but our consistency to keep on learning.

I actually agree with OP also. I’ve had my fair share of tries in the FX business and the demo account is basically rubbish and cannot really prepare you for the real deal. It’s like trying to learn poker with play money, it won’t do any good at all, the real money is a whole different ball game.

I stopped trading a while ago - not big bucks, only mini accounts - basically because I felt I couldn’t invest enough time in learning FX trade but now I’m thinking of restarting and give it another shot with some time on my hands. Plus the mobile environment - smartphones + tablets - have really evolved and now you can learn and trade on the go. Will have to make a thorough research regarding the traders and of course update my FX knowledge before actually investing anything.

Well said Princey

Today lots of traders spend huge amount on expensive courses. But I would suggest to go with free online trading education courses to newbie’s, instead of joining expensive courses programs.:Forex Trading Education Course | Beginners Guide | FxPips

Or at-least check for any good course before paying any non-famous trader for training. There are some good mentors that teach great trading.