Lets get it started

Good morning, my name is Christopher, and I’m new to trading as a whole. My intentions for learning and beginning to participate are to begin to provide a safety net for myself and my family at a more frequent pace than through just regular money earning. Thanks in advance for any help, tips, or advice, and good luck to you in your own bread chase!

Hi :slight_smile: start from the education section in BP, good luck Regards Greg

Welcome Chris.

Hello and welcome, Christopher! Keep learning and be consistent. Good luck on your journey!

As a beginner, you should dedicate your time to reading books, watching videos, and enhancing your knowledge. This is the key to becoming a successful forex trader.

Any help or tips will become useful after you starts researching more on forex trading. May I suggest that you to try out School of pipsology to enhance your skill and knowledge?

Welcome to the forum buddy

Hello am new here