We really need to be turning the clock back to FREE SPEECH !
Every night at 8. Tucker Carlson. He’s been on this for some time, mostly falling on deaf politician ears.
We in Uk are just beginning to wake up ! as are the rest of the EU, Australians, Canuks (Probably ahead of us) - Look at Jordan Peterson “Post Mosernist Neo Marxists”
It has to be time for us “quiet majority” to start looking at this CARP ! and rejecting this drivel !
Good to see you here mate
You seem to be (insert proper English word here)-up the “right” people to know that you are on to something.
I dn’t know mate - but we have a LOT of hope over here
It’s time for us oldies to show the Commies that they’ll have to fight us before they take our grand - children’s futures away from them !
When you can longer see a difference between two opposing political parties in a two-party system, you know you’re in big trouble. Don’t worry. Our Grandchildren are not stupid. Despite lefty educators telling them what to think, they still know how to think for themselves.
Thank you for your input @GazzaFx - I think there are a couple of issues here “People” do know “how to think” but sometimes they do not realise “When” to think !
The Jesuits (Hard Line Catholic “educator priests” ) had a saying - "Give me a child until he is SEVEN - I will give you the man ! "
For example take a look at this - Apparently the numbers are at an all-time Low - but just see how huge they still are !
So the burden of this point is that nearly 4 people in every 10 in the USA "believe " something which is simply not possible - and bear in mind They are still allowed to Vote !
Another 4 in every 10 “Believe” in evolution, BUT that “God guided the process” !
The remaining 2 people in evry 10 “Believe” that the thinking of the other 8 in every 10 may be flawed !
So it is that for the “Hard line 38%” This is simply “Learned behaviour” to which they have clearly Not applied “Critical thought” in any meaningful way. They were “taught” to “think this” as children and will no doubt pass on the same Beliefs to their own children. Just like so many “Global Warmist zealots” - No doubt, if challenged they could come up with an argument that 97% of “experts agree” and indeed if the sample was taken in the same way and the same assumptions were made, they too would be proven “Correct” especially if anyone who said “hey wait a minute - have you thought about …?” was simply ridiculaed and excluded from the “discussion” by personal slanderous attacks on their “past” and their “friendships”, whom they spoke to and whose employment was attacked in the manner known so well to SJWs.
Now we have trusted the education of our children to “Professional educators” who have made careers out of indoctrinating OUR children with the fallacies of “Identity Politics” and setting “Groups” against other groups - and in particular every group against the “Hated white male patriarchy”
If we “oldies” who were taught the art of “Critical thinking” as a part of our formal educations fail to do our best to pass the principles on to the youngest we can and to the best of our abilities, The likely repeating of regimes such as were demostrated huge failures in Communist Russia and Maoist China ( Well over 100,000,000 murders between them ) ALL in the name of the "Oppressed proletariat" -
The one common factor is that the rights of the individual were made subsidiary to the “Rights” of the “Group”. Just take a look at the “rights” of the various “Oppressed Groups” nowadays being supreme and completely dominating the “Rights” of Individuals !
As I said - throughout the world - People are Beginning to Wake up !
This is an opportunity, possibly the LAST opportunity to change the world back again, so our children’s children learn to “Question EVERYTHING” they are told to "take on trust " !
[Maybe just maybe - this could “Save the world” ]
Much is made, Not least by me of Orwell’s dystian future as expressed in “1984” - but it is important that we understand too how the “Ideological drive for equality” is demonstarted in his other great book “Animal Farm”.
As proposed by the website you link to ;
Jehovah’s Witnesses…"
Well, not only, as shown by this online document signed by over 1000 scientists, including many from highly respected institutions.
That’s interesting
The actual document they “Signed” says;
“…ASCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—1WWW.DISSENTFROMDARWIN.ORGASCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”…”
I know there is some divergence of opinion as to how many times life actually started on the Earth and the last I saw, it was proposed that life may have only started ONCE! on the Earth because of DNA linkages across life forms - and it is possible therefore that life throughout the Universe is less common than many would think.
However,it is a large step from there which seems to imply that all life on Earth has a single common source - to imply any Supernatural origin.
I have seen covincing arguments that the evolution of sight for example is quite easily explained by Evolution - but this petition of yours, is quite a long way still from any evidence towards any other realistic explanation.
Are you then a proponent of the Literal truth of the “Seven day creation” ? Like 4 out of every 10 Americans are reported as being ? in the link I posted ?
It seems the right to free speech is only acceptable to the “Social Justice Warriors” - and EU Fanatics, if it is in line with THEIR Dictates - and that bullying and physical assault are Very acceptable tools fr use against “The oppressors” - Disgraceful !
Postmodernist Neo Marxism - Diagnosis and Cure -
A “Must Read” for anyone who has children or is considering going to University yourselves.
In fact ANYONE who doesn’t understand what I am talking about or believes in “Oppressed Minorities” who need "looking after "
Everyone’s free to believe in what he wants, I just wanted to show that there are intelligent people out there that do not believe in part of or in all of evolutionary theories. Some believe in creation, not because they are dumb, but for logical reasons, with a lot of research involved.
To answer your question, I do not believe in a “literal seven day creation” nor does the Bible support it. Here some evidence: