Let's Talk About Thanksgiving!

Desserts outnumbering the other food. My kind of meal!

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I prepped two days before, lol! Chopped up all the onions and celery for every recipe on Tuesday, premade and refrigerated the desserts and the macaroni and a lot of others sides and even made the turkey on Wednesday. Then on Thanksgiving, I only had to make the dressing and heat everything up.

It took a lot of planning for sure :yum:

I heard them talking about this on the radio, a lot of people have changed what they do and don’t go to large gatherings anymore. Some also can’t afford to cook for Thanksgiving. I think at the end of the day, being with our own little family is the most important part, no matter what we do to celebrate.


EFFICIENT! I love it!!! Will you do this again for Christmas Day? :sweat_smile:

I completely agree with this statement since so many men live the playboy lifestyle or have children with women and leave women to raise those children alone without any support from them.

Also, some men don’t like to be in charge and don’t like to take charge