Live Account(live chart info ) - Demo Account (false chart info)


Dose anyone have anything to say or know about brokers or services that provide false or “easy” demo accounts - then when you get a live account the charts and currency price is TOTALLY different?

Different behavior, price changes, etc???

For example, the Demo account chart has a completely different behavior than a live account. ( you have a live account & chart and on the same screen, have a demo account & chart on the same monitor - when they are sitting next to eachother, they contradict eachother with different behaviors)

Someone with real valid experience or knowledge of this, please give me some input.



Hey Se7en, how are you? Remember me (umm, maybe not)? I posted last week how different DEMO currencies behave vs Live currencies. I made $161,000,000.00 trading one exotic currency pair. I actually started planning on how to retire and my charity organisations.

Opened up my LIVE account and looked at the SAME EXACT exotic currency pairs to start raking in my millions. HA!! Fat chance! Now I believe the mantra, ‘if it’s too good to be true, it probably is’. The pair were like an old couple: they never agreed. I lost $33.00 (I know it’s popsicle) on the first try. Oh, by the way, I was scalping. Read the live chart carefully and watched it for weeks. NEVER did it do what the DEMO was doing.

I went back on the DEMO, used the same technique and made an EASY $1,980,000.00 in one trade (remember I have the $161,000,000.00 as equity.

Anyway, Se7en, I use the ITRADEFX platform (DEMO and LIVE). Needless to say, I am re-planning my retirement. i will now retire in the next 35 yrs. I will now save diligently at the end of the month. No BMW M3 for this SUCKER!!

How are you coping with your exotic pair? Did they give you your money? I downloaded the Citifx DEMO platform…(complicated as heck!) and saw the exotic pairs that you posted (USDTRY). What time do these pairs ‘wake up’?

Hehe - well, my case is not quite as dramatic as yours.

I have one account where I have applied my method of trading to the demo account as I do my live account. Since the demo account with [B]ForexYard[/B] is identical to the live account, I have an extremely large degree of success.

With them, no matter how volitle the market - when I open, close or move a position it happens immediately without delay…no " dealer approval, blah blah" message to delay your trade.

The same data and chart reading are identical. ForexYard is the broker and now when I compare them, ForexYard is freaking wonderful.

So,I have been looking around and found I-Trade. Decent US based company, nice people work there…very helpful and no run-around. Sounds good right? Well, it is. But:

The ONLY reason I made the decision to try I-Trade because 1) they accept scalping and 2) they have the same software platform as ForexYard. They call it “WinTrader” but its developed by a company called ActForex, Inc. My method of scalping allows me to have an unusually large ammount of success and I can’t replicate it on other plaforms that don’t offer a decent “tick by tick” chart. (By the way folks, if ya’ll know anyother companies that offer this platform, let me know and I would be interested in looking into them)

The I-Trade DEMO account behaves completely different than a LIVE account- In the DEMO account, I can open and close a position without delay, very fast…just like ForexYard. (win or lose, you get what you get)

However the currency values are different and the currency behaviors are VERY different.

In myself doing this as I have with ForexYard, I was inclined to believe that should be [B][I]some[/I][/B] consistancy in the demo as well in the Live account. Right? I mean - what is a demo account for? Is it to misrepresent a currency behavior?? Is it to misrepresend how orders are handled?? I mean - I have had absolute success with ForexYard without any real issues. ( other than they do not approve of scalping) So what’s the holdup?

One might be inclined to believe that the purpose of a demo account is to give you experience with as close to the real thing as possible, not to pad, buffer or “baby-down” the trading experience - OR - is it to give a potential customer a close, “real thing” to make sure you know what you are getting?

I think we all understand and grasp the concept of the risk involved in highly volitle markets. That is a no brainer - it comes with the terrirory. It is just discouraging when you have experience with other brokers to know when you are not getting what you should be getting - basically you have been offered a misrepresentation.

Anyway, long story short, the people at I-TradeFX are nice and take care of business without any grief - that is good. However they demo account is worthless and misleading being backed up by the “volitle markets risk, etc” disclosure statement. Hey, sometimes you get what you pay for - I am sure they are an excellent company for many, many other people - just not for me.

We’re not looking for a free ride or a gold mine here, just some good 'ole honesty from the beginning. Needless to say, I will be promptly withdrawing what little funds in the account that I deposited to test the demo/live currency pair behavior and will continue my Scalper shopping! :slight_smile:

If anyone has the downlow on a scalper friendly company that doesn’t give you any BS - let me know. I’d appreciate it.