Live trading and demo trading

So true, there is no difference. The only difference is that in demo you are trading with virtual money, so you don’t have any kind of fear, stress and you actually enjoy trading.
But when it comes to the live account then everything comes along with that, real tension, pressure, fear of loss. That is the only difference

As a beginner you should start with demo trading. It is just like live trading with the only difference being that in demo accounts there is no real money. Rest, including the trading conditions, is exactly as they would be in a live account. But you should trade seriously on demo account if you want to learn real forex trading.

There is a huge difference between a live trading and demo trading. You should have to do some work on a demo account for the experience and knowledge about the forex market. You can’t do so on the live account because at that place their is a huge possibility that you lose your all the money you had in your account. Because at initial stage you don’t knows the market well.

Demo trading comes first then live trading for obvious reasons. There is a reason you can’t trade with real money in demo accounts

In your beginning stage; keep practicing in demo. Don’t waste your money until your are making money in your demo account.

Demo account trading is the thing you must do before live trading. In live trading, you invest actual money and the loss ratio is greater as you are not aware of the basics and fundamentals of trading. Demo trading is free of cost and anyone can trade in it with no restriction and limitations.

for beginners, demo account is a must.