Looking for a legitimate non-scam broker (Australia)

@Synotaxidae This must be a nightmare for NZ traders…NZ should be allowed to use Australia’s Brokers…Something going on… I think this whole market is about to go through an upheaval…Hopefully a good thing…

I don’t use FxPro Live, only as a Demo for backtesting in Calgo, they appear to have wider spreads than IC and Pepperstone… but a huge range of Instruments to trade…

Wide spreads…maybe just to clients outside of the UK. I use XM (UK) via MT4.

Clint has put together a list of Brokers and reviews that maybe applicable to the NZ situation. The US citizens are having a similar problem finding Brokers that they can use. Just be very careful who you do go Live with…

Hope this is of some help…

Edit: I notice that FXCM (Aust.) are constantly advertising for Asian account managers, so It’s pretty safe to assume that they are basing in Australia to open up the Asian markets after being flung out of the US… Australian Asians are also the biggest Gamblers…which may also be appropriate…

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