Looking for a mentor

make yourself as a Mentor and follow at all times , this is a best and permanent solution

sounds really not good when any beginner ask a question but after having so many comments no reply.

Exhaust free options first. I personally found ICT’s YouTube channel useful and no cost at all there.

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Do you expect an answer, "I will be your mentor for free? " how long you trading?

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Ok thanks :blush:

Still learning

Have you tried going through free resources first? It’s hard to find a mentor. You might just be a magnet for scams.

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Go to YouTube and search SMC style trading.
Then using these concepts apply them on a demo account for at least 6 months and you will know your strengths weakness

Thanks :blush:

dont listen to these guys.lol horrible negative perspective they haves. i think going straight to finding a mentor after you learn basics is the best and fastest way to success. and its not a risk of getting scammed u cant. what makes it a scam is ppl pay for courses or mentorship and dont apply them selves and then say it was scam. i bet 80 % of these guys are stuggling traders or the are great but they toook the long hard road to success

You made me laugh at that opinion :rofl:, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:. Do you think that writing the truth about finding a mentor is a negative perspective? congratulates :clap:. How long have you been on the market? two, three years?


Why do you need a mentor?

Oh one thing I forgot to say
Mentors I mean geniune mentors are hard to come by .
Some charge which I can’t fault and others may just not have the time.
Youtube SMC and take your time


That was very good, both of you.

-These current days, either seems RARE or seems IMPOSSIBLE for genuine good hearted decent people to exist on Earth
-I myself, am looking for a 1)Tutor in overall forex or 2)Doing my best to educate myself.

-With the current ways of society (technology, living, opportunities in general, lifestyle, etc.), it is very difficult in general, finding decent people to converse with, let alone trust.

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I’m having difficulty understanding some aspects in trading

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Message me or come to one of my threads and lets build

You are right there are only a few of us out there. but come to one of my threads or message me and ill see if i can be of assistance

Still did not answer, how long you trading?

I’m a newbie
Just started learning about the market

Ok, no probs