Looking for a new Brooker

Hi all! I am new on this industry. I am looking for a new Brooker that helps me to earn money. I mean, i am not a person closed to the different Forums but i believe that someone can help me to find a good brooker that give me the possibility to trade easily. I would need a brooker with the tools to follow others traders with some experience. That’s my idea, i have heard that there are some brookers that have like Social Education. Anyone knows about that?


That is an outstanding post my friend! I imagine “Brooker” is a portmanteau of “crook” and “broker”, although I am perplexed by the use of a capital B… Perhaps it is symbolic of the importance which you place on your choice of broker and the effect it will ultimatel have on your financial results?

A good broker is Dukascopy :slight_smile:

The main thing which we should be more concerned in a broker is that they should be regulated with a recognized government agency and as per your concern to copy the trades or to follow from other traders may be you can try fxopen, but following others is at your own risk.

lol, thats funny.