I am looking for somebody that would like some personal coaching in the basics of Forex and in the basics of trading. Learning Forex on your own can be very challenging as you will have many questions and you might not even know where to start. This is where I step in.
If you are completely new to Forex this is perfect for you! I will provide the complete no-bull Forex introduction!
Why am I doing this?
For more practice. I work better in a group setting where people are involved. Forex is very boring if you are doing it on your own and my personality type dictates that I need to find a way to make learning Forex more engaging.
That was SOOOOOOOO last week. Now he has the markets mastered and is willing to take on an apprentice. Last week he was a newbie (as anyone with only one week under his or her belt would be). But that was last week. This is THIS week.
hahaha that is hilarious. i think there is a simpler filter though… watch out for anyone that asks you to “contact them” in the opening post. it’s pretty sketchy in almost every situation
Well, you convinced me! I love to be your apprentice! Teach me… I have some trading experience, but I am sure that you will improve it significantly. You can PM me.
Perhaps this is what the fx world is renowned for - it’s generosity, it’s willingness to share, it’s quick learners, it’s bountifull employers always seeking new employees and offering fantastic remuneration (always for a very small up front fee - expenses and all).
Hahaha, I am only doing this to increase my learning by helping somebody who is really new to forex. I don’t have a my forex account. This is simply group learning.
The group will be kept very small so that we can have a more focused discussion. This also means that I can more easily answer any questions you may have.