Losing My Virginity. What non-forex books are you reading?

Have you read The Devil in the White City? It’s about one of the first American serial killers! Set in the late 1800s. Currently reading it now. Pretty good!

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That sounds like something my mother would have enjoyed, she was really into those types of books

I confess I don’t read or watch much in the true crime genre, so I’ve never heard of it, but thank you for the recommendation!

It’s just fascinating because you get to see what life is back then. They were still figuring out how to make buildings taller haha. At the time the tallest building was in Chicago and it had a whopping TEN floors! The elevator also was pretty new. The book gets sidetracked a lot but in a good way. I end up having to look up engineering methods.

So many things we take for granted nowadays.

Another book I really enjoyed (although he turned it into a semi-horror book) is 11/22/63 by Stephen King. That got me into the rabbit hole of JFK’s death. I didn’t watch the Hulu version of it, it doesn’t look all that great…

I will check the book out then, I actually really love good world-building, even if the genre is not something I usually read.

I’m also partial to just about anything by John Grisham

Oooh which one’s your #1 recommendation? I haven’t read anything by him yet!

Awesome! Hoping you’ll like it!

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Hi Purtle.

The Firm would be a good one to start with, it made a damn good film for a reason.

Got it! Will download a Kindle sample tomorrow! Thank you!!!