Love/life balance

Kselby1992 here saying hello to the community.

I’m a Sommelier, Chef and Professional Dancer. I love LOVE and I’d like to spend more time giving and receiving love instead of working check to check. Right now I need to learn a skill that doesn’t require my physical body. I’ve commuted far for dream opportunities that were less promising once arrival. I’m a complete newbie to this platform so I am humble and willing to learn. Earth Sign, GROUNDED.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Well, now you are here, try and educate yourself first and foremost. There is no short cut to success, and needs the same focus and dedication as your current employment specialist skills to become experienced at FX trading.

Best of luck.

Welcome to the forum - Forex is definitely a skill that you can learn that doesn’t require much physical entry, but just to sit there and wait for the right opportunity lol.