Macfibo system


If 5ema x 20sma for BUY, but 8sma is still on top of 5ema, is that a valid MACFIBO trade?

That’s my same question…and today I loose a trade, maybe because of that!

Yes it is. I had brought up this question before in the thread and Sufian answered that it is a valid signal according to his experience :slight_smile:

Hello been reading up on the system and overall looks good. I see a potential trade today 10:30 Est and was wondering if you can confirm it and where I would draw Point B to? I labeled it 1 - 2 - 3

You should choose point A as candle’s close confirming the cross of the indicators and I would choose point B at 1.

Great thanks Confirmado. So this was indeed a potential long entry? Thanks again still learning

Yep and the trade is still active.

You’re welcome, GL

Interesting, I would have put B at 3

Three trades, three losses for me today, but they were in demo so it doesnt really matter.
All three signals were reactions to news so I think I have some learning to do where it comes to market reactions to news events

Hey I am new to trading and have been looking into your system. This may have been stated earlier in the thread, but does this strategy take into account news events?


I thought it was 2 or 3 myself I figured 1 was part of a second wave and was too far back. 3 Seemed like it set the Fibo spread way to small…

Looks like the 5ema is going below the 8sma depending where this candle closes. Guess will be getting out a smaller loser on this one

hi sufian … i would very much appreciate it if u could post some pic of trades setups … your entry signals and exits …i think its much better to learn that way. I am new to this and am reading mark Douglas’ [I]the disciplined trader[/I] its really nice. But i also understand it takes time if not years to really good at this …

I posted several System Updates (where I show my entries and exits) for the past 3 months in this thread with images, you can read through the thread. I know it is like 100 pages, would take forever to read… well, you can use Search function and type “Macfibo System Update” There is also the PDF guide where I show trade entry, exits examples. I will post system updates from time to time as well. Good choice of the book, I’ve read that three times already… may I reccommend you his other book ‘Trading In The Zone’… that book changed my trading forever!

I have discussed about this several times already. Yes it does eventhough I don’t put it in the guide. Either you ignore a signal that caused by news candle or TP at 127.2… and if signal comes before news, up to you if you want to ignore the signal or not. Popular choice is to ignore the signal… me… well, I’ll take it anyway… try search function and look for my detailed answer on this… something about concensus, managing trade, move SL to breakeven.

I am working on to compile a FAQ… i figured it’s a good idea… right?

Yes… it is a valid signal.

This is simple really. I advice you to read the PDF guide again, clearly you still don’t understand the system. :slight_smile: It is ok, part of learning. No worries. Read the guide again buddy. I put it there for a reason, for everyone, including me, to read it over and over incase we forget.

Welcome to the world of currency trading :D… Its fun, it’s painful, its frustrating, its testing our mind, its exciting… you name it. Trading has it all. :D…

p/s : I really hope all of you do not trade any signal outside Asian and London sessions.

I really hope that is not the case buddy. :smiley:

[QUOTE=vessel18;349598]Anyone have a crystal ball? Need to know what the monthly ECB report will hold this morning, hehe…[/QUOT

If I had a crystal ball, I won’t have had Macfibo System. I’d jot down every price for the next 20 years and I will just put orders accordingly… easy. Billionaire in no time. heheh…

Jokes aside… I do have a crystal ball… but it does nothing but making ‘cling cling’ sound when my car moves…

Losses happen buddy… its good to analyse your trade after a loss, but don’t overanalyze it, market just move regardless of our ‘rules’… because Market doesn’t have rule… they do represent several repetitive patterns… but they have no rule.