Made almost 12% this year

You have read it. I’ve made something like that. I am into forex almost 5 years and it was 4 years of disapointment, frustration, loss after loss, changing and jumping systems; you know the usual stuff. This year was not the exception, I’ve started with the wrong foot and a big one but mannaged to end up profitable. I have set a goal for this year and it was beat up SAFI’s wich is like ETF’s here in my country, their profitability is not higher thn 3 or 5 per cent yearly or so they claim so, the reality is that in your balance you receive less than that. ANyway I’ve achieved my goal and big and now I am on vacation until 2014.

[I]For 2014 I have set a new goal: [B]Beat UP S&P500[/B] wich percentage is in average 17% (it doubles every 7 years).[/I]

But still I cannot live from it yet. So I see it something like a savings account or something. I spare some cash gradually like I am saving for something special and those extra bucks will help somehow, I only risk money that I am willing to say goodbye. Nobody gets a high salary job after graduation, when I was about to graduate I had to work for less than 15 USD a week, so for the moment forex it is similar to that. It is delutional to live from it just like that so I do what I do more for the love of the game.

Take Care Gals and Guys.

Congratulations ^^

May I ask what you changed in your trading between the starting of the year and the end?

Congrats, what was your highest percentage gain your account reached during 2013?

8% in Aug, I thnk, I am not sure right now, I’ll post it in meetpips later on.

Hardly to say. One day I woke up and I said to myself “One more try and then I am done”. I have decied to throw all that BS I swallowed for 4 years and asummed that there is no order in markets, just a bunch of idiots who think there is and start trading against them.

This drives my whole system! Yes big money moves markets BUT between moves stupid money has patterns…

I trade under the idea that people believe in the existense of patterns. Normally I see a “pattern” and I trade against the normal consensus.

Done. My Account now is on MeetPips. Yeah!!!

Good stuff Mr. Gone

Glad to see you with some success, keep chippin away, and dont give up…

Gone, if you can do that type of return on average over the course of five or six years making money as a trader will be the least of your concerns. You’ll have more real money being thrown at you for management than you know what to do with. A big part of the game now is consistency, not so much in the returns themselves but in how they are generated. If what you are doing today works over the long term you will be in very good shape. Good luck with it all. - JP

Thank guys for the cheer up. It was hard to make it up to here. Now I will focus on remain on the green lane.


Good work Gone.
Good to see someone with a realistic sense of trading returns.
Good luck in 2014, as 2013 is already a done deal. One more thing 17% is more than achievable

Hey Mr Gone,
It’s good to hear that you are finally making money.
Are you getting consistent positive ROI monthly or are you fluctuating? If you are then make it your next goal to be consistently profitable month-to-month.

Best of luck!

Fluctuating for the moment. I only had 4 green months.

You’ve been calling people “idiots” and “muggles” on this site for years now and you’ve only made 12% this year? Not even taking into account the previous years losses most assuredly are more then this 12% gain you are not a profitable trader… Yet pass off advice like you have any credibility. Lol… Classic.

You actually lost money considering your opportunity cost vs just buying the S&P 500 which has yielded 26% return year to date.

All traders are idiots, no exeptions, just 5% of us are aware of it. Those who double their accounts in one year or less, they just risk too much. If I say I’ve 50% this year nobody would take me serious neither. Anyway, thaks for showing up.

No problem. Thanks for confirming what my suspicions have been for a very long time… Lol.

I think 12% positive return this year is a really good start… Positive return is a positive return no matter what " other" people tells you whose I think an Ego is bigger than their head…

Who cares…whose counting anyway and they don’t feed you and your family enough to tell you that you [B]just[/B] made 12%…

Goodluck in 2014!

Yeah, I’ve messed great results in the past for trying to get bigger. Ego, it won’t just do. :33: :33: :33: :33:

Yep, it’s just annoys me when people just sticking their nose out to others and would like to maybe compare what other people achieved instead of be happy and be glad to that person who made something that for him ( like you) is a good feeling of accomplishment that finally he made some money…

I’d say to those who just want to compare and who have a big ego than their head… Just stick to your gym membership and flex your own muscles…Okay, I’m done lol