Matty’s Money - Trades, Ideas and Info

DOW Weekly - Here we go again?

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Indeed, it did retrace.

Looks like we will find out this week.

AUDUSD 1D - I will be looking for a short opportunity here:

EURUSD 1D - And here, unless it breaks up through that S/R level, which if the DOW continues to climb then it likely will:

I have decided to close down this thread. Not because I’m quitting trading, quite the opposite in fact.

It’s time to settle down and get serious about this business. This thread has been fun and has taught me a lot about trading, but it’s not something I want to continue doing. It is now just a distraction.

I may or may not start a new journal here in the new year, we’ll see how it goes. But for now, it’s time to buckle down and focus on reaching my full potential as a trader. I will still be active here, I’m not going anywhere.

And remember, this rings as true in real life as it does in trading; Always be aware of and set limitations in your trading and for yourself.

Everyone stay safe and enjoy the Holiday season.


Wish you all the best @MattyMoney


We’ll always be cheering for you Matty! :blush: And I’d still look forward to it if you decide to create a new journal. But either way, you’ve been such a big help. :smiley: :blush: Stay safe and enjoy the holidaaays! :smiley: SEE YOU NEXT YEAAAR! :smiley:

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Thank you, @Panda_Forex and @ria_rose. I will still be plugging away here.

Wishing you both lots of success in the New Year.


Happy Happy New Year Matty! :blush: I’m back from my holiday hiatus, but I wish you had an amaaazing celebration with your family! :blush:


Sorry to see it go. Hope you come back with something new!

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