First of all, I’d like to sincerely say thank you, for running this site. It has been my beacon in the mess that is forex trading online!
Your site is greatly appreciated and I think that many many feel the same as I.
Enough flattering though: to the subject:
From what I’ve seen of the new site Meetpips I think that it would be great to actually merge them into one, because what Babypips lacks is exactly what meetpips offers - the personal blog space.
I think babypips is probably a strong brand in the forex world and incorporating the meetpips functions would, I believe be a better idea than splitting between two sites.
We do have an affiliation with freshpips because we understand that entire Forex scope is HUGE…so in order to help traders as much as possible, we have a sister site to help with the news part
I recently joined the site because I think is so great to talk about something as important -for us traders- as the forex market with people in our same position