Meta Trader 5 / EA Rebuilding

Hi Guys,

Thanks go to everyone especially to the Admin. and Support Team for making this link available for Rockie

or Newbie like me.

First of all, my name is Tom Ikegwu.

I really need help for real, all along I’ve been looking for a developer / programmer since last summer.

Due to my inexperience in Forex Trading, I didn’t know how to approach the developer who sold the EA to

me without full EA Tools to run the Back Test that could’ve produced same result with his own Demo.

I’s hoping that my PC was the issue, I ended up buying good Trading PC with 4 Monitors which runs very

fine. Again, thanks to BabyPips for Educational Tools so far am still studying hard nearing Graduation.

Please note my EA needs rebuilding of its’ Settings and Inputs which really need the same Indicator(s) used

by the developer or better. Kindly let me know where to attach the file for EA, here’s the demo link:

Auto Investment Manager - Home page

Any amount of assistance to accomplish this will really be appreciated.

I still hold my allegiance established by Babypips not to waste my hard enough money.

I look forward to seeing that kind hearted Angel to come or respond to my needs here.


Tom Ikegwu.

Did he gave you an mq4 file or an exe file?

No, he gave me MT5. and thanks for looking into it. Am still holding my fingers cross.

? So there is no code to look at?

Hi Toekan,

Thanks again.

Here’re some info links to share for MT5 coming from the community there, may help out:


Code Base - MetaEditor Help


Please let me know ASAP.

I don’t quite get it.

You bought a EA but you can’t reproduce the results and are looking for someone to help you find out what settings are used. I asked if you have to code so I can help you with that.

Now you are reffering to MT5, what is the name of the new metatrader program version. with mq4 I was reffering to the source code of the EA. mq4 or mq5 is not a big difference.

So are you looking for help on the code or how to test it?

I know mq4 and community. I am a member there. It is just not clear what you are after.

In short, if you have the source code, I can help you. Else, I have to excuse myself as I don’t have the time to re-engineer the script.