Missed take profit setup

Hi all
i started paper trading recently but im noticing something thats bugging me a bit (screen shot below).
Mainly i’ve downloaded meatrader5 for my android phone and it works ok, but sometimes it just misses the take profit like in the screen shot below. And the difference is far wider than the spread (currently spread is around 10points, but that lowest point compared to my stop loss is 15points different). any idea why?

One other time also occured that i was stopped out without even reaching my stop loss quota.


missed take profit

It could be due to some issues in execution. Sometimes the demo can close your position even if there were no trades at that price just because there was bid-ask.
Just ask your broker about the mechanism of demo execution. To my mind, it could be different

My charts on Oanda have a Bid, Ask, and Mid setting for the candlesticks. When I change between the three options, the shadows/wicks on the sticks jump around some.

The spread value is not fixed with most brokers, so maybe the spread was different at that time than it is now.

@cigarmanstan has the answer here - The brokers are not stupid. when prices are moving fast, the spread increases - the “Ask” didn’t get to your number, in Their software. It looks as tho’ it would have been close - but “No Cigar” !