I have finished reading babypips and I have found some mistakes in babypips school. On some pages chart is wrong and on some places correct words are not used to interpret data. I have corrected that myself. Anybody would like to comment??
Perhaps you would like to inform Admin of your discoveries?
i meant if somebody else has made same discoveries
A lot of people have thought they found errors.
The only errors I’ve seen so far were the student’s.
Post a link to the examples you feel are incorrect, and maybe someone here can explain. If they are truly incorrect, as IronHeart said, I’m sure the admins will be grateful to know, and happy to correct them.
ok on page 25 in pre school forex basics after example 2 it says
“If the equity (the value of your account) falls below your usable margin due to trading losses, you will either have to deposit more money or your broker will close your position to limit your risk and his risk. As a result, you can never lose more than you deposit”
in the above seentence it should be if equity falls below your used margin and not usable margin
as it says on page 216
collegre : the number one cause of death for forex brokers
then margin call example it says
As long as your Equity is greater than your Used Margin, you will not have Margin Call.
( Equity > Used Margin ) = NO MARGIN CALL
As soon as your Equity equals or falls below your Used Margin, you will receive a margin call.
( Equity =< Used Margin ) = MARGIN CALL, go back to demo trading
this is just one mistake i will post others when i reach there
check it and plz confirm, thx
How is that a mistake?
The facts corroborate each other.
If your trade goes below your used margin, you will have two choices. Either deposit more money, or close out the trades at losses.
If it stays above your used margin, your trade remains open.
In short, if you deposit $100.00. and you use $20.00 for the margin in your trade, you still have $100.00 equity, but only $80.00 in usable margin.
If your trade runs $81.00 against you, you either have to deposit more money, or close the trade.
You still have $19.00 in your account.
look carefully you have not read properly, in first example he says useable margin instead of used margin, look carefully on page 25 thats what i corrected
did you get my point, he said useable margin instead of used margin on page 25
there is a difference between used margin and usable margin
It’s correct.
If your losses fall below your usable margin you are into your used margin…
That results in a margin call.
o man don’t you have your eyes open wats wrong with you or you are in just denial moode that you want to deny everything. having spent some time here you thinking you are master of this and wat you said above was you have seen people are in errors not this school.
on page 25 he talks about if equity falls below usable margin(which is not correct) not wat you saying now losses falls below.
anyway you are not up there to accept this and you will never. because you got some sort of superiority complex i have seen that from my other thread “is forex gambling”
i therefore request you not to reply to any of my posts please. i would be so grateful to you for that. kindest regards