Movie: Prometheus (2012)

You guys watched this yet?

I thought it was awesome, but i am a fan of the whole Alien series :slight_smile:

i really want to see it, but i’ve heard mixed reports.

I’m going anyway as I was a fan of the original two films also. The rest were good but the first two were awesome. Looking forward to it :slight_smile:

Ignore the critics!

They are fools!!

I was a teenager in high school when the original Alien movie came out. I had a subscription to Heavy Metal magazine and they had an article and pictures from the movie set before it was released. That was the best movie of the whole series. I really like H.R.Giger’s artwork in that movie, it’s so dark and disturbingly alien.

I really like aliens also, alien scarred the c**p out of me when i was a kid

The first was great for suspence…the second for sheer action, and the rest followed the same kind of approach as the second. Great films :slight_smile:

Sandybeach…i just noticed your EDF avatar…lol shame it doesn’t dance but still funny lol

It was pretty good. It think, though, that it put a lot more questions on the table than it provided answers.

haha thanks, i was wondering if anyone would notice what it was or thought it was something else. I couldn’t find an animated one unfortunatly :frowning:

So funny

I think Prometheus was pretty awesome, mainly for the cinematography, I really loved the opening scene. It was one of the few movies that I actually really enjoyed watching in 3D. I did feel that they made the whole “symbolism” a little bit too out there, though I guess they were trying to make it blatantly obvious for ANYONE watching the film. I think probably because of the audience they were trying to aim it at but regardless it was a great film and well worth the ridiculous $16 ticket price.

Colmex…what type of symbolism are you referring to? I might have been one of those who didn’t notice it.

well the whole, christianity and greek prometheus myth symbology, heres a blog post explaining it
cavalorn: Prometheus Unbound: What The Movie Was Actually About

It’s the first of a two parter, apparently - hence the pretty open ending - so I think they intended to set up some questions then deal with them in the next one. Great film though, enjoyed it.