Mp -- Some Of My Non-secret Secrets

I sure did have an idea that people do trade currencies- but then those ideas were ridiculous :slight_smile: like thinking that when people buy yen, then actually carry it home at end of the day :slight_smile: or thinking that forex is ultra safe way of investing for if I have a 1000 bucks worth of euros, they can never be worthless unlike some of the stocks (this i think is true to some extent that is why I have such a hard time putting stops :slight_smile: )ā€“but that was loong ago and I did not knew I will come so close to knowing this market :slight_smile:

I am still boggled by one fact-that is when there is so much information floating around, people like MP churning out wisdom and right knowledge, almost 200 million people in the US having high speed internet-then why dont they all just kill each other and forex will no longer exist-may be all will become good at this game and then there will be no profits to be made-then may be retail forex trading will be banned? I dont know. Could be? Would be?


This is what I understand from the LRC over a trend:

-68% of the price is contained between the upper and lower limits if 1 standard deviation is used.
-If two standard deviations are used then the containment is 95%

Now on an MT4 platform, how do I customize the channel to have either 1 Std Deviation or 2 Std Deviations?


DRUM ROLL . . . . . . . .

Bring it on big man!!!

forgive me my ignorance, but why are stocks the high endā€“is there a stigma that is attached to trading forex? Why?

STOCKS, going back a few thousand years, were the trading vehicle of choice for kings, rajahs, presidents and a few really good con men !

stocks are also the vehicle of choice for IRAā€™s, Keoghs and all kind of INVESTMENTS ā€” and the word ā€œinvestmentā€ removes the stigma of ā€œgamblingā€.

commodities, derivatives, forex, futures, penny stocks, etc are in the area of ā€œspeculationā€ which can easily slip in many peoples minds into ā€œgambling !ā€

so while the high end of the trading vehicles ā€“ that of kings and royals, has DECREASED to the point where you havent made a dime if you invested 10 years ago, the simple little ā€œspeculativeā€ trades have BLOWN THE ROYALS OUT OF THE WATER !

Im a ā€œcommonerā€ and ill stick with what works, no matter what some stuck up columnist wishes to say


there are custom indicators that do that for you, but the multiplicity of lines all over the place make a grown man cry !

seriously, using s+r you pretty much negate the ā€œdeviationā€ mess, but if you like it, hey ā€“ go use it !


Got it. This is something I have suspected of long- it is funny that people associate stature with a microeconomic vehicle while looking down upon trading a vehicle of the macroeconomics :slight_smile:

No not really-I was just wondering if there is an easier way without increasing the already cluttered screen of mine :slight_smile:

ok, so i talk about the LRC, support and resistance, using the stoch and confirming downturns ready to come back up again with the CCI, but one indicator i DONļæ½T speak of a lot is a horribly maligned creature called the zigzags.

I know they redraw, and for that reason people dont like them
, and on the surface, they appear to be correct, but those same people MISS one of the most helpful things about its character that places it right up there NEXT to the LRC as a way of SEEING. (there ARE trading ļæ½systemsļæ½ built around this overlay, but it ļæ½canļæ½ provide signals that can be easily misinterpreted, leading to much screaming and knashing of teeth !
i use TRO 3 semiphore zigzag, but there are plenty out there that all do the same thing, with TROā€™s simply being his version of 10 others that are all pretty much the same !

The basis behind the dots and their numbers is that a NUMBER THREE is a PERMANENT take profit point and a solid support (or resistance) point. The Number ONES are TEMPORARY support or resistance within the main trend outlined by the NUMBER THREEļæ½s !

Unfortunately, while trading, these dots can redraw, throwing the best laid plans out the window ! But I rarely use them for trading (although the number ones work nicely during scalps) What often happens is during high momentum, the number three will continue to redraw either higher or lower, thus moving the tp point ā€” you can play the moves off the lower timeframes or wait for a true ending and play the reverse, or ANYTHING you may want to do !

HERE is why theyre so nice - - - - -

first, once they have formed and become history, they give you an absolute point from which to measure your fib retracements, and if a trend has taken a few days to finish and you have to go back 5 days to find where it started, dont think thats a small thing !

second ā€” if you are in an H1 or a H4 trade they will show you exactly where a reversal (causing drawdowns) is going to take place, and THAT aint no small thing either ! Actually, they will show you a reversal in ANY timeframe, but im trying to get to this all in some logical fashion !

gander at the charts ---- we are going to play the H1 today and the H1 shows the currenct price bouncing off the MIDPOINT of the LRC. Notice the huge number THREE up there at the top LRC line, which is a comfirmed downturn. As we state often, the price will move DOWN from the top LRC to the MIDPOINT but that leaves you in the dark as to where price is heading and whats about to happen next. Getting ahead of ourselves at the moment, we pretty much KNOW that the price will head DOWN to the lower LRC cause thatļæ½s what it loves to do, and what the bankers most likely wish it to do, but at the moment its ļæ½play timeļæ½ and so the price consolidates for a while !

While still on the H1 chart, please notice the two NUMBER 3 ziggys, showing the move up and the permanent reversal back down again, which found support at the MIDLINE of the LRC, moved up and hit resistance forming a new number one signal dot (which is a ļæ½temporary support or resistance point inside of a main trend) and has formed at 1.3306, and being a number one, itļæ½s a temporary direction change dot, leading us to believe what was a DOWNTREND on the H1 will now continue as a DOWNTREND ! The accum/dist indicator appears to back this up, while we see the stochastics HAS NOT reached 70 or 80 and is prepping for a turn !

so now we go to the ONE MINUTE chart and find the the price has hit support and formed a big number 3, which means a definite reversal will happen here (which we see it is in the process of doing) BUT the indicators are still pointing DOWN, by golly ! Considering the indicators are still pointing down also, I would imagine we get at least a double bottom BEFORE it starts back up again with a LOT of resistance overhead !

The 5 minute is showing a number one dot, so we have a temporary halt to a downward move, and prob a retrace to the white line or the resistance dots just above it.

The 15 minute is showing a number three dot at the top of the LRC and a lot of ļæ½cyclingļæ½ of the currency, BUT NO NEW NUMBER 3 DOT, meaning its trend move to the downside IS NOT YET FINISHED ! The indicators are verifying and confirming this also !

The number(#1) dot on the 15 (and the otherrs) min is at 1.3260, the same price as the H1 middle point that became support ! What has happened is the currency was in a downtrend, hit a temporary support area (we know the H1 will continue to go down at SOME TIME cause it wants to head to the bottom LRC line, just will get thrown around at the midpoint because momentum was not great enough to carry it through) and since it has hit support, we can now make an educated guess that it will head back up for a while (which is where your drawdown on the H1 SHORT youre holding will come from, and where no one knows where to set a decent sl !)

While looking at all this, please notice that the Stochastics and the Accum/Distrib are BOTH still pointing down, indicating that DOWN is where we should be going !

If one were to check, we would see that ALL charts show the same price where the currency reversed, verifying again our anticipated moves !

Lets go back to the H1 with a fib going from the lower number 3 to the upper number 3 and see what we have ļæ½ļæ½ the upper number three tells us the H1 is in a downtrend, and we see that the upper number 3 is also at the top LRC, so we figure ļæ½no contestļæ½ here !

The price dropped to the LRC midpoint (surprise !) and moved below (see how it hit s+r and NOT the fib, although the fib was close at the 38, but no cigar)

Now while you trade the ups and downs of all the other timeframes, keep your eye on the progress of the H4 and H1 (Especially the H1, because thatļæ½s where the banks take their support and resistance from during the day) WATCH for the dots to form on the ziggy and either GET OUT of the trade at that point, or hang in and understand that a drawdown is coming ļæ½ļæ½ and since you can estimate where the drawdown is going, AND THAT THE PRICE WILL COME BACK, you wont have to get your sl hit, lose your money and complain about how hard forex really is !

And remember, whatever timeframe youre trading, take the H1 and H4 as a lesson ļæ½ļæ½ the H4 is in an uptrend going through a temporary retrace, while the H1 is in DOWNTREND, and has gone up a bit, but expected to drop after consolidation ļæ½ļæ½ DIFFERENT strokes for different folks, BUT THIS IS WHY FOREX LOOKS LIKE ITS ALL OVER THE PLACE ļæ½ļæ½ YOU GOT TO PICK ONE TIMEFRAME, AND WORK WITH IT ONLY, using the others to SEE whats happening to your price at that moment in time.

SO, the little ļæ½golomļæ½ indicator, so hated by so many because they try to use it just to trade from, really turns out to be a shining star on the road to our SEEING what our price and trends are doing !

I personally cant ask more from a skinny 98 pound weakling !

enjoy ā€” SEE well !


1 min (294 KB)

5 min (259 KB)

15 min (277 KB)

HI (294 KB)

PEOPLE IS PEOPLE and they dont change much over time !

technology changes, but the peeps are all the same !

in school, you are judged by your marks ā€” in life you are judged by your income and the ā€œthingsā€ you own ---- humanity needs to ā€œjudgeā€ everything and cubbyhole it, so they do !

meanwhile, we forexers, ignoring the fact that we are ā€œgamblersā€, simply go forth increasing our profits while everyone else weeps !

i dont like no weeping !


HEY ā€“ hows my new avitar ??

i did it to be politically correct with the women traders and not to insult them with one heck of a babe !

of course, you dont see my radiant face so you miss the total effect, but what the heck !


The avatar looks professionalā€” i like the colors, which are subtle yet they contrast enough that you can clearly see one of the basic premises of your mantra about the market (i think haha) which that the market always reverts back to the median. I approve.

the profile pik is nice looking but to be honest this is not the one that is my favorite. I liked the one before- that had a couple (may be you and one of the mcgivers??:))
That had a certain hint of i dont know what is the word :confused:

Btw I am looking at the zigzag post-but before I reead and assimilate it all, do I get the dots and the numbers with that tro indicator? I tried google but did not retrun anything. Can you zip the indicator if that is not much trouble? Or If I am wrong can this also work without the dots? cuz I do have the zigzag indicatorā€¦

I like your new avitar because points a clear directionā€¦ lol

but, I donā€™t pay much attention to avitars. I donā€™t have one because, well, hmmā€¦ I havenā€™t figured out howā€¦ lol havenā€™t taken the time. I am a 40 year old pogo stick, so ladies, feel free to heckle, cackle, be sweet be curious, but mostlyā€¦ just be yourselves.

Yoda, my appologiesā€¦

Thanks for the new toolsā€¦

Good Pippin, because luck has nothing to do with it.


getting ready for the sunday open, but heres a few you may like

did you ever see the two pix of the mcgivers i posted once upon a time ā€” drop dead gorgeous they are !

heres a couple indicators to play with, for lack of anything else !


\ (6.76 KB)

Support and Resistance (Barry).zip (714 Bytes)

Support and Resistance (Barry)(2).zip (1.74 KB)

im waiting for sweetpips to tell me TRO has a whole site dedicated to the semaphore, although ill have to tell her he got the idea for the indicator from me during one of our morning sessions.

of course, i got the idea from someone else a while ago, and who knows where HIS idea came from.

there aint much new under the sun, and while some people try to make a system out of the zigs (which can work a large percentage of the time) they quickly forget that a permanent reversal position may JUST NOT be a permanent reversal position if the momentum is high !

which is why this dull and conservative trader WAITS for confirmation !

wow were they mcgiversā€“man they were ā€¦niceā€¦:stuck_out_tongue:

nice is indeed one word for them, although i have a dozen more - - - -

you would simply NOT believe when they get a twinkle in their eyes !



MP great ideas about the 3z indicator. You have explained its use in a way that makes total sense to me thanks.

May I humbly suggest something???

when you want to post a chartā€¦

after you save the chart as a picture (jpeg)

open a new tab in your browser and goto

where it says upload images and videos clcik the browse button

when you browse find the picture of your chart *wherever you saved it) and click on it

make sure file type is image

and next to resize there is a drop down menu open that and click 15" screen

then clcik upload now

then a new screen will come up with a a field that is titled
IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards

in that box right click the file (img file) and copy it

then in your forum post right click and paste. this will include the img file in your post

now when you post your charts will come up big and beutiful and we can see them rightaway without having to open 3 folders.

I hope you try this coz i really think you will like it better and it will be easier to compare 3 charts

So ya keep trying to drag (bait) me into somethingā€¦lolā€¦whatā€™d I do to be so deserving :smiley:

Ok, as long as youā€™re waiting (you got waaaay too much time on your hands judging by the 1000 word essays you post which could be split up a little for post count sakeā€¦lol but (as you probably know) there IS a thread on Forex Factory dedicated to the semaforā€¦seen a post from TRO there tooā€¦ but funny, your name wasnā€™t mentioned ā€¦hmmm :rolleyes: