Mp -- Some Of My Non-secret Secrets

1000 pips/20 days = 50 pips a day

50 pips/5 pair = 10 pips per pair, per day.

  • for simplicity sake

I think it’s doable.

without getting flowery and pie in the sky, 1000 pips a month, after learning and becoming consistent, should be considered as a walk in the park !

now on the other hand 1000 pips a day takes fast fingers and a highly trained ferret used in lieu of price alerts and candlestick pattern recognition !


I’m starting to feel ignored. Still haven’t caught 1000 pips in a day, but I am at over 600 so far this week. Made my first withdrawal last week Friday with my mini account broker… without a hitch, funds posted in my account within 2 hours.

All is well, but I would like to ask your assistance during non trading hours perhaps this weekend or whenever is convenient. I downloaded MT4 from a broker and would love to have assistance in setting up my charts but can’t seem to navigate the software.

Best regards to the McWithers and good pippin.


although past history may not agree, there are simply times i dont have anything much to say so i dont — not to forget that i do get somewhat involved in trading at times (alternate tuesdays and thursdays) so get a tad busy, most especially in whippy markets where my ferret goes bonzo trying to keep up.

also just put in another trading station and had to micro manage the installation of things like cables, monitors and the silver tray that holds the McDonalds !

soooooooo — how much you gonna pay for this technical oriented information during my leisure time ??



As I have said in a past response to information I received from you that still proves profitable, name your price and tell me where to send it. LOL

What would you have me do? What payment do you require of me? How long do I have to pay, or do you require payment “upfront” so to speak? What do you require? Do I already possess something you have use of?

Any information I have received from you has already been profitable, whether directly or by reading your past posts, so I value your information far beyond words. Any time you invest in my success will be paid as you deem fit, (within reason).

To coin a phrase from a Pacino/Reeves movie, “Are we negotiating?”



ahhhhhhh — im always a pushover !

try me on yahoo messenger as “mp6140”


MP–Man, make me rich too. yeah really make me rich and I will pay you 10% of what I get- seriously. My word is carved in stone- send me all that is loaded in your brain that controls forex, and I will make you my partner :wink: lol. that sounds like I just bought a McDonald franchisee from Ray :slight_smile:

I will like to confirm what he just said- I have profited from what MP writes on the forums. Btw I found one thing and I am not really very excited with that–these True Channel thingies- they are not dynamic they are a keep on changing–no?? if it keeps on changing then how do I know where the trend is headed in the long run----what is I want to have an true channel that stays constant on a D1 chart- so that I can see where the price is headed- but unfortunately every new day MR True Channel changes :frowning:

Give my warm regard to McGiver Sisters too.



By “True Channel thingies”…you mean the Shi Channel? and if they keep on a changing, then they must be dynamic…lol. They need to be dynamic because price is dynamic.

I’m using the Shi Channel too, and I’ve noticed that it’s a little behind in updating the channel’s direction of price when it reverses, or at least wonders out of the channel. But I think that’s ok when using the regular Linear Regression Channel(s) within it for the immediate trend… which helps to compensate for that?

MP…ya I’m talking to you…lol…why don’t you turn “on” the LRC “ray” feature to project the channel lines past current price? (Or would the McGiver sisters get jealous…:D)


MP, you are quickly becoming one of my favorite people! I had my most successfull day ever today and I owe it all to Shi-Channel-True and LRC, neither of which I had heard of 3 days ago!

Thus, I have spent much of the day scouring these forums for more of your pearls of wisdom. Thanks, sincerely. I’m gaining alot of confidence in my trading and I think my life is about to change for the better. I appreciate your participation in that.:slight_smile:

P.S. I feel like I’ve read this somewhere, but what Broker do you use?

peeps – im not sure i understand completely whats being said here — not understanding “slow when reversing” — what timeframe are we talking about and do you mean the channel goes from one direction and then follows the new trend ? If so, part of the problem is it needs s+r points for the new direction before it can draw a channel, if thats what youre speaking about.

YEAH, that must be it — youre correct, that is the purpose of the channels you draw with the tool WITHIN the main channel – they show changes immediately – a clue to working with the tool — draw ONE channel from the LOWEST point on the chart and extend it to the price, now draw ANOTHER channel from the HIGHEST and CLOSEST price to the same price — now observe how they meet and what they show !

now for the channels moving, since the price breaks out or under the channels often, the channels shouldnt be moving during trading, BUT it will represent the NEW support and resistance areas formed “yesterday” when you open them tomorrow — as sweetpip says, theyre dynamic in that they re-adjust to new s+r settings, although theyre NOT dynamic intraday.


MP, would you be willing to divulge your MT4 broker?

i use EFX for some trades, am presently testing OANDA (which is good) and FXCM and use an offshore broker whose name i will divulge once i am VERY VERY certain of them financially

enjoy and trade well


Any idea why my Shi Channel hasn’t been working on my E/U 5 min chart since last night? It’s working great on all other time frames on the EU and on all other charts. Are there certain conditions under which channels won’t be applied to the chart?

actually no,

but try this first — bring up the chart in question and right click anywhere on the chart which should bring up a drop down list with “indicators” on it

click on “indicators” and see IF the SHI channel is actually there !

if it is, close the dialogue boxes and SAVE the template as whatever you wish and if the indicator ISNT in there, put it back in and then SAVE the template (by right clicking on the chart again, selecting “template” from the drop down and then “save template” — etc !

after that, youve got me !


OK, something’s up. Still no Shi Channel, but ONLY on the 5 minute E/U chart. This is the case on 2 different comps on which the channels were working fine yesterday. I deleted the file and downloaded it again from a different site, I saved and loaded multiple templates, I checked 2 different brokers, and I’m out of ideas. It seems like there is something in the script that isn’t finding the necessary parameters to apply the channel to my chart. But what do I know? I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Anyone else experiencing this on MT4?

youve gotten past my “geek” pay grade here — if the indicator is loaded correctly and saved to a template there should be no problems with it.

ive attached my copy, but sounds like that wont do anything much either.

you gots me now !

mp (5.38 KB)

The only thing I can think of which you probably already have checked is you need to zoom right out…the channel may just be too wide to show up on your present zoom level?

Thanks for your help MP, Sweetpips, but I have reached an impasse here. Very frustrating considering the success I’ve had over the last few days.

YOU are MARVELOUS sweetpip !!!

either Zoom out or place the cursor in the PRICE area on the right of the chart, hold down the button and mouse the chart down to collapse it, which should allow you to see the hidden bottom of the LRC


OK, AFTER all is said and done, i put up the EU 5 min chart and GUESS WHAT !


its obviously the ghost of wed channels day, and we are not allowed to have them today !

use the LRC TOOL and draw the line from the lowest point on the left of the chart to the present price, and then draw a channel from the HIGHEST point and closest to the present price, which gives you intersecting OR agreeing channels

it the channels AGREE youve got STRONG MEDICINE in that direction, then look to Mr. barry’s s+r on the H1 to get on idea of where the sucker is heading.
