I have this tool which I find it to be very helpful, it draws lines at round numbers but it only draws every 00s and I need it to draw also at 50s, another words I need it to draw a line every fifty pips instead of 100 pips.
There’s another problem with it also, it doesn’t work with the Japanese pairs which are 3 digits, I would like to fix that too.
My knowledge in programming is very limited but I’ve tried a few things to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
//| !Round Numbers.mq4 |
//| Copyright 2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//| http://www.mql5.com |
#property indicator_chart_window
extern double LineSpace = 1; // 1 unit = 0.01 of basic value (e.g. 1 USD cent)
extern color LineColor = DeepPink;
extern int LineStyle = 2;
extern string LineStyleInfo = "0=Solid,1=Dash,2=Dot,3=DashDot,4=DashDotDot";
extern string LineText = "RoundNr ";
double LineSpaceOld;
double Hoch;
double Tief;
bool FirstRun = true;
int deinit()
double AbSpace = 0.01*LineSpace;
double Oben = MathRound(110*Hoch)/100;
double Unten = MathRound(80*Tief)/100;
for(double i=0; i<=Oben; i+=AbSpace)
if(i<Unten) { continue; }
int start()
Hoch = NormalizeDouble( High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,Bars-1,0)], 2 );
Tief = NormalizeDouble( Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,Bars-1,0)], 2 );
FirstRun = false;
else if(LineSpace != LineSpaceOld)
Hoch = NormalizeDouble( High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,Bars-1,0)], 2 );
Tief = NormalizeDouble( Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,Bars-1,0)], 2 );
LineSpaceOld = LineSpace;
void DrawLines()
double AbSpace = 0.01*LineSpace;
double Oben = MathRound(110*Hoch)/100;
double Unten = MathRound(80*Tief)/100;
for(double i=0; i<=Oben; i+=AbSpace)
if(i<Unten) { continue; }
string StringNr = DoubleToStr(i,2); // 2 digits number in object name
if (ObjectFind(LineText+StringNr) != 0) // HLine not in main chartwindow
ObjectCreate(LineText+StringNr, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, i);
ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_COLOR, LineColor);
else // Adjustments
ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_PRICE1, i);
ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_COLOR, LineColor);