Mr. Quentin Robinson

I’m a retired truck driver about 2 years ago, got into forex about that time. From Houston Texas, USA, I’m originally from the state of Rhode Island, USA, been in Texas for 40 years, and now I’m not able to do much physical work. So I’m full time trading.

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Welcome Mr. Quentin! :blush: I hope you enjoy your stay here. :smiley: Have you been trading before (even just part-time) or are you a newbie? :blush:

Yes about 2 years now, ran into a few problems but if you understand this concept, you won’t quite

Welcome to the community, Mr Robinson! Looking forward to hear more about your trading experiences! See you around and good luck!

Hello Mr.Quentin, Welcome to the community! So, how was your experience in forex trading so far? Do you think forex is profitable?

Welcome to the forum, enjoy the journey.

Welcome and good luck :slight_smile:

Welcome to BabyPips @queche! Hope to hear more from you in the future.

Hey Quentin! Do share your trading experiences with us.
Good luck!