MrSpreadBetting FREE system blog

I think you are right, In real time the 5ma –5 bar shift would print 5 bars behind the current one, so either there’s a typo and it’s the 5ma +5 shift cross or this is one of those strategies that looks great after the fact but not in real time. I’ve worked up a few strats with the same problem! LOL!

sorry for that. jgadefelth.

i´m not a good teacher, i learn very well but í´m not a good explainer.

the last system i try to explain is what i use in my live trade and it is simple and very profitbable and i would like to cher it but

i´m not like tymen and others that can do good explanations and make everyone interested in what i say.:stuck_out_tongue:

rulimia22 you recognice that tymen is a good teacher, the nyou just learn from him by look how he is doing hes teaching. just explain it verry verry easy step by step if you can make the most understand it they can hekp you explain it more. You last system is with the mama and the ssl channel right ?

best regards

yes, those 2 indicators alone can make a lot of profits.

but they just a part of the system.

did you try the two indicators???

yes i find another ssl indicator that worked but the system have alot of wipsaws what i can see ?

best regards

like all the systems in the world it only work with lines studies in higher TF.

i think there´s no system that works without some knowledge in S&R and trendlines.

but i really don´t understand the word “whipsaw”:stuck_out_tongue: what its means???’

it means alot of false signals that give a signal and then reverse so that you lose.

ok can you explain the rest of the of the system you cant say half the system and then when it is not working say there is more to it …

best regards

i´ll start the treath again and try to explain it right from the beggining.

i´ll do my best


This thread has ost focus!

I was trying to make this athread about the system I was goig to share, but seems to be focused on other system from others and so on.

I’m out of here cya!

Don’t let a few posts run you off, some of us would still like to hear the rest of your system.

sorry for that.:frowning:

we all like to hear more about your system.

i´m very curious how you use those MA´s.

please continue your thread

sorry mrspreadbetting please continue i would like to know more about your system.

best regards

What i can see it has the same problems as a usual moving average system it kill you by all the wipsaws am i missing something here +

best regards

unfortunatly mr spreadbet didn’t manage to post his whole system. what sl are you using
best regards

non i just have a look at it i just look at the signal and when the signal reverse and i get a signal in the oposite direction i get out it looks like many whrong signals but im not sure because i dont know the whole system.

Yes it was my fault he left i really hope he will return and accept that im sorry.

best regards

hmm not sure what you doing, I am live Eur Usd. in @ 1.4873 so 125 pips ish upbest regards

What TF are you using ?

Actually I wonder if he left because of post 30 and an inability to answer posts 32 and 34.

I would really like to see how he handles range trading.

I suspect that a rangebound market would be expensive

just looking at it looking at it on 1 minute dont count pips or anything just look at how it behave and what i can see it is like moving average in genreal it kills you in a consolidation.

best regards