MT4 Virus Update

Iv’e been investigating the virus issues some people have been having and I think I have found how people are getting virus’s from an expert advisor files. I have seen that some of the EA’s from infected computers are running a block of code like this

#import "shell32.dll"
int ShellExecuteA(int hwnd,string lpOperation, string lpFile,string lpParameters,string lpDirectory,int nShowCmd );

void pop ( string msg , string installed_dir)

ShellExecuteA(0,“Open” ,“xxxxx.exe”,msg,installed_dir,1);

This is particualry worrying as it means that your EA is running an executable file which could potentially infect your computer

I have also purchased MT4 Protect, Its an antivirus program that I found aimed at MT4 Traders. After talking to the developers of that software I am confident that it will protect my machine from these type of EA bourne virus’s. It is based on the ClamAV virus engine which is updated multiple times a day and used by some of the biggest organzations in the world.

My advice is to not run any decompiled EA’s that you get from dubious sources.

Dear Rockey,

Do you mind to share with me the info regarding the antivirus program to protect MT4?

Awaiting your reply

Your answer are much appreciate


Perhaps there is an update MT4 released yesterday?