My Basic Chart Analysis Method

thanks phil for the pdf…

Okay, I’ve finished it!! Where’s the sequel?~ :slight_smile:

Working on it. :smiley:

Sorry for this noob question, what’s OBs?

Outside Bar… Which would be the opposite of an Inside Bar. :slight_smile:

It’s a candle that’s high/low points are greater than the previous candle’s.

OMG!!! you are one of them!!!

I never understood this…why not?..

I am thinking, if trading on breakouts as in NickB, Sunday Breakout, Furious Angel Daily Breakout, and your reversals, multiple by 4 pairs…

It’s a full time job!!!

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Webex is the commercial one…

Because it’s again NFA regulations for US brokers. You can’t have 2 trades open at the same time on the same pair.

i vote for paltalk i think it is free

i read the turtle link… interesting. ive heard of them but was unfamiliar in there trading style. i agree in 2 ways…

the mm =2% obviously wise

they try to catch bigger moves when trend trading. that is what makes r:r so good for a trader like that.

me too when I trade my goal is to buy or sell into a movement where it is safe to put a stop loss really close to me. That way im risking a minimal amount to earn exponentaily more.

it doesn’t always work out and you lose, like my eu trade which went to break even than stop. it happens

right now im in a gbp/cad short from 1.9200, right now it is 1.8900ish

that is +300 and i only had to risk 50 pips and it is still going. maybe this will be the move of the year who knows? To be honest it is demo.

I have been focused more on the james16 way of trading. man it is phenominal. I can honestly say Jims ideas are so great I mean Ive been around the block and I can tell you I have tried alot of different things and I met alot of people along the way including bank traders and professionals and hucksters… the whole gamit. James16 is the real deal and I have learned so much the past couple of months and I really feel like im really “arriving” as a trader. it is in part my work has forced me into the h4 cauldron but also james16. I am ready for that next level :smiley:

sorry for the rant

ok im going to post a link to james16 Im in no way soliciting his site or anything. I truly believe anyone who takes the time to watch jim’s videos will become a better trader and have better insight into the market.

in fact im going to try and post a video to this post and hopefully it works.

definatly take the 12 minutes and watch it see what you think.

Traders Links at The James 16 Group

if the video doesnt work it is the first one in the james16 column on that website
ok i can’t get the compressed file to load so just got the website and click on
good setups and drawdowns 6.16.09

i thought it would be fun to watch this outside bar and see if it will break long. I think it will retracxe first than go long so im going to wait for it and if price retraces by 38%ish i will buy into it but it will have to be after a break to the long side and then a retrace. if it breaks and keeps going than ow well there will be plenty more opportunity.

I learned about pin bars from Nial Fuller’s learntotradethemarket. You can google his name for his free videos and he has a bunch. I assume from J.16’s comments that he entered that trade before the daily closed, a no-no in my opinion. I wait for the bar to close to be sure it is a valid pin bar and then set a Stop style order in the opposite direction of the long candle wick or shadow. I earmarked J.16’s video to watch again as maybe I missed something but I still have the impression he entered before the close.

My two cents, d.

hey dobro im certain that j16 was a big influence in nails trading. as far as not waiting for the close, ive been wondering that too but it seems that his methodolgy is such that a close is not as important as a price level so for example if eu broke 1.4200 i could long that without waiting till moday (friday holiday) for the close of that bar. i guess it depends and as you know price action trading is very discretionary.

You are right, PA is very discretionary and I know that James & Nial are many times more succesful than me which is why I cruise this forum between trades. Just about the time I think I have everything down to a science forex pairs do their thing and I have more studying to do. I appreciate your comments and pointing out J.16’s site; more reading & watching to do this holiday weekend!! Thanks, d.

That’s is why I like Sunday Breakout System which need lots of patience, be consistent & disciplined. Thanks Phil for the system. :slight_smile:

i think we all wait for the new pdf part 2 :slight_smile: if only the days could go faster

It’ll probably be towards the end of next week. I’ve had a lot of other stuff going on… :slight_smile: