Guys , i have a deal open on Palladium. Lately I’ve started to doubt my broker so now being bored coz the market goes to bed ,early in last few days… I’ve went on another broker Xtb , im on Umarkets . So, Xtb , Palladium +2.89 % , Umarkets -3% ??? Also the prices are different.
It looks like XTB are offering Palladium at 2124.7-2146.7. Umarkets are offering it at 2114.55-2139.83. The differences are only 0.48% on the bids and 0.32% on the asks. I’m thinking this might not be really unusual or excessive between two different brokers.
If you can squeeze the spread I wonder if you can arbitrage this commodity? Did you check spread as a function of day or time of day with both brokers? I’d be pretty happy with a 0.5% gain net of spread and fees if I could do that 4 days per week!
+3%, -3% over what time frames? Do the time frames match for those performance numbers between those two brokers? Maybe that’s over different time frames.
which broker is more appropriate for you it depends on trading conditions , if love scalping should choose the broker which allows trading concept such as this.
My question was . Why on one platform Palladium gained +2.89% in one day and on other one lost -3% in same day? When i do my homeworks for trading i always look at how that currency or commoditi moved. Thank you y’all for your feedback. Freee coffee for everyone
Worth noting that some charts display the gain from previous close to current close, others display it from current open to current close. That could often lead to charts on which the most recent completed candle has opposite colours.
One was 30 min and the other was 1h . But gain or loses arent calculate for 24h ? I don’t know how it work . Reason i ask . Did look a bit shabi to me. A friend off mine lost 98k over night . They clean him . He argued with them , and they told him if makes a 20k deposit . They will give him 98k back . Sounds funny… video games ?
I made a deposit , 4 weeks ago . They give me 100% 2.5k . Wich i must roll . 10 millions for each $1000. Im at 28k at , ive started with 5.6 k . I must roll about 7 millions more to be able to withdraw . I wana see if they pay , when time comes. I’m speaking about Umarkets. Aren’t regulated . Russian broker. I live in Uk . I personally don’t rush to rool. I trade daily and i always close my trades before tha market guys go to the pub. I always close on plus . I get some on minus but , i managed to cover my loses and at the end off the day im on plus . I trade for about 5 years and i lost £22k . Now may enthusiasm is gone . I play safe. Greed is our bigest enemy .
i have seen every broker playing with traders if its not regulated by the high authorize in this market place , so be more careful when choosing a broker.
Yeah , well . I was off work . Got me with the bonuses. They ask me for 10k to get vip. I didn’t had 10k. They bite 2.5 k … And the account manager promis me he will do 30% monthly. I didn’t allow him to do so . I do better then him . But as vip i pay less commissions. They ask me for 50k deposit if inwant to be able to use mt4 . Something happened few weeks ago and theybjad to move all uk customers on mt4 . is very smelly , but well i must carry on. For a last instance, i my book a tiket to Russia and beat them. Im ok with this option. . Im planing a visit to Lithuania. I was scamed by deposit £85 . Made €1400 . When i was to withdraw… game over. You will know when are shabi when they ask you if you have savings or get a loan.
Thx Man , np . I was planning to visit Lituania. Now i have a reason . I don’t want 1400 . I want my 85. About mt4. I’ve noticed, many brokers are using , this strategy to make you coin more. It is what it is…we must obey