My gbp/jpy trades

Took last week off due to the birth of my second child:), lets see how much longer the wife allows me to post!

By travpip at 2009-11-09

By travpip at 2009-11-09

friday 26th march london session

By travpip at 2010-03-26

By travpip at 2010-03-26

trending momentum = highest possible risk reward trade

trending momentum trade off the 55ema floor up to R2 ceiling.

By travpip at 2010-03-29

By travpip at 2010-03-29

Price was building all day after opening above the CPP and pushing up against the 1.4995 resistance and 200ema, eventually broke through - took my profit at 50pips.
Should of held onto my gbp/yen position longer but i was required elsewhere

By travpip at 2010-03-29

By travpip at 2010-03-29

tried making some trades during jap session, missed the entry on the yen move and it found support at 55ema on the 1 hour chart and had no follow through to S1

By travpip at 2010-05-24

By travpip at 2010-05-24

By travpip at 2010-05-24

By travpip at 2010-05-24

By travpip at 2010-05-25

By travpip at 2010-05-25

Waited for price to retrace back to the CPP prior to London open, during the half hour gap time false move.
100pips opportunity off todays central pivot point up to tuesdays high,it looks like it will break tuesdays high and maybe go to S1 and beyond…we’ll see
My daily 100pip target was reached, now standing aside till tomorrow.

By travpip at 2010-05-26

By travpip at 2010-05-26

trending momentum opportunity off the CPP at the start of euro session. Missed the start of the move but entered a position with first traget being yesterdays high.
Once it eased passed that i entered a few more positions with the target being the daily R2. Price enventually shot up with a spurt of momentum closing my positions-then retracing 30+pips

By travpip at 2010-05-27

By travpip at 2010-05-27

Burnt my fingers during the asian session anticapating a break of the head and shoulders pattern forming on the 5 and 15minute chart. Should of waited for the break as price found support shooting up to an intraday high around 133 activating my SL.
Waited for price to retrace prior to the start of euro session and entered my positions once momentum to the upside kicked it with price reaching my target just below 133.

By travpip at 2010-05-28

By travpip at 2010-05-28

thanks for the advice however nickb’s stlye never appealed to me.
Well done on your pip total your doing well, but i think you will find i am doing fine with me own style, and why change something that isnt broken?
I have found that success occurs when you repeat the same process over and over.

For the record, if you check just last week i was able to grab

Friday 47pips
Thursday 72pips
Wednesday 137pips
Tuesday 129pips
Monday 100pips

[B]total 485pips for the week[/B]

so thanks for the advice but i dont get your point.
You will find that the MACD and stochastics can offer further confirmation on prices direction and i like to have that information available to me.
But ideally i only look for trending momentum setups and the use of daily pivots, the time of the day, previous day hi/low, open & close are areas that grab my attention, and ultimately the price action will determines my position

i try to post all my trades when i have the time as it helps me with my own analysis and discipline.
I have a fulltime job as well which takes up a lot of time, however i try and trade fulltime by having my laptop always with me, but sometimes it is difficult to juggle the two and i may miss a setup here or there

By travpip at 2010-07-15

:)following on from previous post, both opened positions reached my target MR1 and closed out the trades at plus 75pips and plus 80pips per position

By travpip at 2010-07-15

By travpip at 2010-07-15

well the reversal doji on the daily chart played out as expected. An ideal opprtunity to short came from the retrace to the CPP early euro session, however i was not looking to trade as i had previously managed to grab 70pips from the days open down to the previous days low during asian session.
However it becam evident that more momentum was building once price broke through previous day low so i opened another position around 133.7 and closed out at 133.10 for another 60pips in about 30minutes

By travpip at 2010-07-16

One trade made off fridays low back up to todays CPP

By travpip at 2010-07-19

By travpip at 2010-07-19

At the close of the US session gbp/jpy was very volitile and it drew me into a short position on the breakl of the previous day low.
It was obvious a dump and pump kind of move from the big players and it caught me out losing 30pips.
In then became obvious that the pair was trending up so i entered another poisition just as it was breaking out of its range making 60pips back up towards the daily R1

By travpip at 2010-07-20

By travpip at 2010-07-20

100pips opportunity from todays ceiling R1, 55ema after strong reversal candlestick formation confirmed the move.
I entered once it was apparent that price was heading down with my target being the previous day low and S1.

By travpip at 2010-07-20

By travpip at 2010-07-20

Overnight Wednesday late US session Bernake induces some negative sentiment into the market.
Thats all the players need to drop gbp/jpy yen 100+pips in 15minutes, now asian looking for a piece of the action but we have the BOJ doing what they can to stop the Yen appreciating much more.
Who will win out, is the gbp/jpy heading down below 130.000 again or seeing as though we are at the bottom of this range where we have been in for a while, is that enough to provide the support/demand to rise back up.
Sentiments are short lived, So we will wait and see?

By travpip at 2010-07-21

By travpip at 2010-07-21