What say you on this?
i said it in the second part of this post -
my answer starts with an apology! i know i can sometimes across in the forum as “criticizing”, and i’m sorry if that’s how this post comes across - it’s intended only helpfully!
this is a strange (and in my opinion misguided) starting-point to discuss what you want to know
there’s no “number of pips” i’d consider, because that’s not a useful parameter for me
nor for anyone else, actually
anything like this needs to be volatility-related (as @tommor has wisely said, above)
a pure “…
and in this post -
are they numbers you’ve actually proved over a thorough, accurate backtest of a statistically significant sample-size? or “confident impression numbers”?
you may be right, of course
i think everyone i have ever known who has believed more or less the same as you and who has actually been persuaded, in spite of their high degree of confidence, to run an appropriate, statistically significant backtest, has been absolutely astonished by the results, reduced their reward-to-risk r…
and here -
thanks for starting this thread, Carl
the wording you chose for the title also raises the bigger question of what is a “better” risk to reward ratio
we can all see that you think of it as bigger reward per unit of risk, rather than the opposite
you mean “higher reward”, really, when you say “better”
the opposite perspective is also an arguable one, though
two points are worth thinking about, in this context
if you look at successful professional traders, and institutional traders, they t…
What’s your RR ratio?
on average, just under 1:1, but that doesn’t matter
what matters in this context is what yours is, and why, and whether you’re open to reconsidering what you posted above, which several of us, now, are telling you is misguided
different people react differently and benefit in different ways from demo and micro-live accounts - it depends on your financial circumstances and how you learn best
my general view is here -
by all means, shift to a small live account using funds you can afford to lose IF (and only if) -
you have collated in writing the details of a minimum of 250 trades, over whatever period, on the same type of markets as the ones you’ll be trading live, without making a net loss, and nothing about them rings any alarm bells, AND …
you have not, during that period, had a PTT drawdown as high as 5% …
but if you haven’t achieved those two things, or if you’re not really clear why those are…
good luck!