My new FreeFX video: managing long-term trades

Hello traders!

Here is my video from today:

In my three-year experience as a retail trader, I have come to appreciate that the most valuable commodity we have as traders is [B]time[/B]: this, once lost, cannot be taken back. The time one spends on the charts and/or actively trading is time taken away from other parts of our daily life.

As a more mature trader, I value my time more jealously than earlier in life, and my trading style has made a transition to a better fit with my life around other commitments, meaning that from daily ‘system’ trading I have graduated to longer-term trading, the so-called ‘position’ trading. In this video, I look at what it means to sit on trades for months at a time, and what the psychology of it may be.

Interesting watch.

The issue of work life balance is certainly an issue that a lot more traders should be
reflecting on.

Thank you, Forexslams…

As always, we learn on the job, so to speak, and all these things are often overlooked when we start,

and we learn the hard way…

Have you found your forex-life balance?

Sorry for the delayed reply.

I believe I have Pipmehappy.

I now trade a lot less which also improves the quality of the trades I take and my profitability. :slight_smile:

Excellent, ForexSlams!

Glad to hear it, and thank you for the reply!

Happy Trading!

Hi Thanks for share the video Do you use a stop loss? What is your leverage when you position trading n
How you deal with overnight swaps
Thanks again

Hello Markaria,

I opt for pip gain over negative swap, so in the end negative swaps are absorbed by the overall gain.

Currently I am not stop-lossing but I will build that into the positions as they advance.

Current positions I have are about half-way their length (one year).