Hi everyone,
It’s Ivan Delgado. I represent Global Prime, where I act as the bridge between our client base and financial markets. Today, I want to introduce a revolutionary program I will be taking part of for the next 6 months, and hopefully, stretch my presence much longer. This is a program that taps into the use of technology to enhance human, and hence, trading performance. I have no doubt the undertaking of this program represents a paradigm shift in how to trade the markets, which is precisely the reason that has led the 2 founders to embark upon this journey.
So, what exactly am I talking about? Chris Capre, Founder at 2ndSkies, and Ken Medanic, Founder of NeuroTrader, have come together to launch the first publicly known biodata/AI-based Peak Performance Trading Program. Chris and Ken hold the firm belief that the current trading education is lagging way behind compared to how technology is applied these days in other industries such as tennis, football, rugby, you name it. In all these sports, quantified data is an absolute prerequisite to measure performance as it acts as the launching pad/enabler that allows you to keep growing.
Ask yourself, why is it that in trading, despite being such a mind-oriented game, and with trillions of $ exchanging hands every day, we are still stuck in relatively obsolete approaches preventing us from reaching a consistently optimal state in our performance necessary for one’s trading success? That’s precisely what Chris and Ken had been ruminating for quite some time and the reason why I mention that such a program, of which I feel so privileged to take part, is the next evolution for trading.
I don’t want this post to be an advertisement but just a heads up to raise awareness of the program. If moderators consider it misplaced, I await instructions on how to best go about it.
You can read the full blog post here: My NT Biodata-Based Trading Journey, The Largest Behavioral Finance Experiment In The World