My story with Forex

Hi, my name is Paul ( they call me Gorila for being muscular lol ) and I am trading forex for just over six years now. Initially I did not want to share my story but over the past year I have noticed a sharp increase of forex related stories which are not only complete non-sense, but also false and misleading. It is clear that a lot of effort goes into creating a very positive picture for new traders in order to trick them into opening new accounts. I decided to share my story so far and hope that it will reach some traders and motivate them to approach Forex trading the right way.

I want to start by saying that trading Forex is great and one of only a handful ways that people from all over the world can really improve their life from the comfort of their home. As I said, I have been trading for just over six years and this year is the first year where I can say with pride that Forex is contributing to my finances. My goal was to become a semi-professional trader. I have no intentions on quitting my job, but I wanted to supplement my income with Forex trading.

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Thank you for the post Paul. You said you wanted to share your story but you havent really shared much. So would be interested in hearing more.

Congratulations on reaching consistency. I’m not really sure why your goal is to become semi pro? Or why you would not quit your job, unless you’re not making enough to quit. I would recommend stick to your strategy, manage your risk and keep working at it. Best of luck.

So insipiring ! keep up

Lol out of all the posts on this site over all the years, this is the one you say is so inspiring on your first post. Something doesnt make sense :man_shrugging:t2::face_with_monocle:

It seems to me that for most people forex was originally a subject of interest and a way to earn extra money. But then everything started to depend on how it turned out, and only for some people it became a real business and a source of basic income.