Need advice about: learning forex

I know nothing about him/it and can’t help you, Bruce, other than welcoming you to the forum, and offering my own possibly biased opinion - albeit as a fairly experienced trader who has previously read a couple of Elliott Wave books - that the words “Elliott Wave” and “big bucks”, in conjunction, ring just about the loudest mental alarm-bells I’ve heard in this context. :58:

Elliott waves are a subject on which it’s easy to [I][U]sound[/U][/I] impressive/confident/well-informed, because it’s so subjective and interpretative that nobody can argue with whatever you say on the subject, if you say it smoothly enough and cherry-pick plenty of convenient examples that [B]appear[/B] to justify your perspective (which is easy). Whether it’s of [I]any realistic[/I] value to an aspirant trader is another matter altogether … :33:

For myself, I think in principle that nobody should pay for it without first talking [U]independently[/U] to at least two people who have done it and recommended it and asking them to explain clearly [I]exactly[/I] [B][U]how[/U][/B] it helped them. Just my opinion, of course …