Never pay for advice or education

who s givin u information and knowledge for free?! stuff that can be applied and actually works long term? are we living on the same planet? no1 that has found out the hard way after years of study and trial! error is going to just share all that for free cos they re hand of God. I don t want to sound like a smuck, but u got to understand that yes… there s some good information out there on the net for free, but that s just a preview, there s much more to that to achieve consistancy, cos that s what it s all about. Unless u have a good trader with actual real results over an extended period to guide u atleast towards what is usefull to learn and what not, u r just fishing in a barrel. The internet and the free stuff about trading is on for quite some time, and still most of the traders can t achieve consistency. Atleast that s how i see things.

I agree here

Wasted all that money on University… :tired_face:

When I could have just gone to the library.

I have to agree that most concepts taught are bogus. That is because they are all based on what you see online. I’m not saying that you can’t make money from them but it is extremely difficult and not what you expected. The only truth I see from the internet is the saying that trading is a “zero sum gain”. The stories of making millions from nothing simply isn’t true, at least in the long run by using those ideas.

Learning to trade is extremely costly in terms of time. To offset this, I would suggest limiting the amount of money you spend on education, but some is necessary. I found a person who taught me what I consider to be the Holy Grail. You will not find this information anywhere. Without this information, I would have quit. You need to be extremely critical about who you listen to for trading advice. I can tell you straight out that if an educator is teaching anything similar to what you see for free, then beware. The market isn’t what you have been told.

I can also tell you this. Making money from trading has limits and risk. How much you can make from the market is limited by time. An educator doesn’t have these constraints. No downside risk and an effective advertising campaign can take away the time factor. Why would a successful trader not want to be an educator?

I know everything about the market, from the one minute chart to the monthly chart and I still can’t make a 1000 percent a year. Maybe I should be an educator.