When waiting for your next entry, trading can be beyond boring. And in some cases it might even lead to overtrading, which is a alleyway to the poor house.
Ever want that second opinion on whether that reversal pattern you see is actually there?
Perhaps you might be new to forex trading and you want answers instantly as opposed to waiting hours on end for a reply in the forum.
You might in fact by a full time trader in forex and are looking to pay it forward by sharing your wealth of knowledge.
Swing by the chatroom. I believe it is easily one of the most ignored features of babypips.
For me, when I trade, I hop in that room. It’s my humble suggestion that others follow suit so we can bring that room to it’s full potential.
Great post. Last night was my first active night on BP chat and I had a great time. It’s nice to talk with folks here in real time and it’s fun when several folks are all waiting for an entry on the same pair and talking about it.
It would be nice to some chat activity on a regular basis.
I know what you meant, but you can try to pay attention of every strategy you get in the metatrader, for me are busy hours, because I can trade, be aware for the market, get ready to get in, anyway, so much things to do in little hours.
Can someone share some strategies? I�ve been studying Forex for a few months now, applying a few trading systems but they did not seem to work for me, so far I�ve been just playing around. So I�m looking for experiences of people who had succeeded and are willing to share them.