Hey Everyone,
My name is Wade. I will have a similar and boring story. But I am fairly new to trading. I have dabbled with the Micro E-Mini S&P and with a bit of Forex. I have lost some money and I have made some money. I really want to dedicate some time and energy to learning to maximize my entry and exit points and learn the way the markets move.
I have had many trades that were positive turn negative and vice versa because I didn’t listen to that voice in my head or because I had poor entry and exit strategies. Also I didn’t have an automated strategy and let emotions control my actions.
I just want to learn everything about forex. My goals financially are to earn expendable income to buy or do things that I wouldn’t be able to do. Vacations, or fixing up and old car. Things like that. If I ever become profitable enough I will entertain making it an occupation but I realize that is a difficult task.
I am excited to join the community and ready to learn all I can.