New Super Rules to prevent repeat of 2008 crisis?

From Dodd Frank Rule, & all other types of rule, why is the US Gov spitting out so many regulations to control bank?

Isn’t the main reason for the 2008 crisis is insufficient employees at SEC that caused of oversight? In addition, the SEC was commissioned in the first place to ensure that a crisis like the 1930’s will not occur again?

Anyone has the information that would be helpful t explain if the current new regulation in place is really just a political game or really something functional?


All these new rules are a waste of time.

The problems where not caused by the banks, but by the rules in the 1st place (banks unable to discriminate against potential bad borrowers)

I am missing something here perhaps. But are we putting the outcome of the combined greed of the bank mortgage departments, housing mortgage institution like Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac and the total lack of understanding of the complex mortgage backed securities by accrediting agencies like Moody’s on the understaffed SEC ? C’mon … I just managed to get the first giggle of the day :slight_smile:

The new rules are worthless.

Speculation is not dangerous… An economy consists of many individual members acting independently on one or many of many potential market incentives. This diversity makes a decentralized economy very stable. Speculation is only dangerous when it is based on centralized moves such as a change in law or a Federal Reserve action that triggers everyone to make similar bad decisions at roughly the same time.

The Fed holding interest rates down since the early 2000s is a major reason for why everything went to heck in 2008. Those low interest rates (easy money) liquored the market up and caused people to make boneheaded decisions. What was the solution to this problem?.. Lower interest rates even more and get the government more involved… Cough in bed with the firms that they are “regulating”.

Typical government… Create problems and then make laws to “fix” the problems they made… They should GTFO because they are the problem.

A far better solution would have been to let everyone go bust and start again.

Recession would be over, and with prices on so many things massively reduced you would attract buyers into the market.

Bank customers would demand the new banks play it much safer of not get any deposits.

The market would act far more efficiently, and some jobs would be lost but the world would keep turning