Hello Everyone!
My name is Jordan B and I’m 29 yrs old. I live in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I have just recently come across babypips and decided to start the educational training course.
I am quite new to Forex and have been trying to get a grip on technical analysis. Support and resistance, trend lines and candle stick patterns among other things.
All of my research so far is via free youtube tutorials and classes, as well as whatever threads and blogs I can find with reliable information. I am trying to learn the RIGHT way, so I’m glad I came across babypips That being said, I know that my success will only come through trial and error, along with proper research and dedication to learning more everyday. So, I have decided to dedicate 3 hours of every day to try and learn more about technical analysis and the Forex market in general. I have also downloaded MT4 to help me get a better understanding of how the market works! ( pips , currency pairs, market fluctuation etc.)
I’m currently working as an architectural sheet metal installer (tin basher) with 5 yrs experience. I make a decent wage but dont think I have a future in this career as I’m constantly miserable because of it…
My goal is to quit the job I am at now and start an online business by 2022. Using forex as a small steady income alongside my current job to help fund my online business.
I would also like to help my family out financially and get them into a better situation while they’re still capable of enjoying life. Maybe buy them some property or just pay off their house… Anything😔
Just overall being financially stable and able to live a happy life is my goal. Helping people is something I have always done and enjoyed and I feel I would be able to help alot more if I wasn’t always scraping by financially and miserable.
Well, that’s just the tip of the 'berg but I figure that’s sufficient for a introduction.
This is the beginning of my journey from Forex Chump to Forex Champ!!
I wish everyone luck and prosperity in the market!!
I want to say thank you in advance for the opportunity to be a part of this community, and for any comments and advice anyone may offer!!
Always Learning,
Jordan B