New to forex

hi guys I am pretty much new to forex and I am trying to learn through how the system works, I have to admit I am a slow learner though :o

I have tried looking into the school tips, they sound pretty good to read out but how far can the results show up in theory , excuse me as I am really new into the market

I had tried to google and use other form of search engines but most of them have confused me a lot and give me creeps, I am pretty good at stats but some how I feel in-secure may be its because of the recession effect I am not sure about it

little guidance would be helpful as I am really a newbie looking into the market for a part time and may be full time dealer in future.
I came to know there are some real experts on the market over here so little guidance could be helpful

can you suggest any free ebooks of any sort that I may look for future and more detailed references ?

before trying to move on you need to go through the school of pipsology a few times as that is probably the best and easiest way to understand
best regards

Be careful. Most of what you read on forums does not work. Look for proof that you can verify. Many traders will post setups in real time and then post the outcome. That separates the wheat from the chaff. Do not believe back tests or unaudited financial statements.

first get rid of the laser hair removal thing. It isn’t much help in trading forex. Stocks maybe but not forex…


Are you looking for information on any topic in particular? The school is pretty good in terms of providing basic information, but if you have queries about anything specific, let us know, & I’m sure the good folks in this forum will rise up in arms to help! lol

Read the School of Pipsology first and open a demo account in any trading platforms of your choosing. It did help me get by and still is helping me. You cannot master it in just one reading. You have to learn live on a demo acount.

I second that. Just do it, on demo.

hy!read the School of Pipsology first ,then you can download some beginners ebooks (you can find lots of ebooks on or other sites)then you can open a demo account and practice all the things you have learned.
Good Luck!

also read up on forums, a lot of crap about, but also a lot of good stuff.