New to trading willing to learn any and everything your willing to teach

Hi all my name is Shakira and I’m sooo excited to be here. A little bit about me I’ve been a State Tested Nursing Assistant for 11 yrs and I’m a beginner to the trading family. I’ve seen and heard about it for a few years but never took the tome out to really sit down and learn it. I’m so focused on this now and I hope you all can help me❤️


Hello Shakira. Welcome to the forex. If you want to learn forex you can visit the educational section of babypips.

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Hey shakira,welcome to the community. Apart from going through the babypips beginner course so spend good time on demo trading before you actually start trading a sum.

Hello and welcome, you can start with education section of this website. Remember it takes time to be skilled. Do study and research. There is no short cut. When I was new I used to look for it.

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Pipsology course is the best to take for learning Forex trading.